Anchored in Hope Devotionals

Need prayer?  All requests are confidential.

September 11-Stand Fast

Philippians 4:1, “So stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.” Paul loved his brothers and sisters in the Lord. He exhorted them and encouraged and rebuked them, just like Jesus did. As children of God, it should be natural that we should stand fast. When the weak run, the strong stand.

You and I can’t stand the storms of life. They are too big for us in our strength. However, Jesus inside us empowers us with the ability and power to give us victory in ALL the storms of life. He says, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.”

To successfully stand, we need to know the Word of God. If we don’t know the Word of God when storms come, we have nothing to stand upon or hold on to, and we will become weaker and weaker. When you become vulnerable, you come under condemnation and guilt; the devil will bombard and accuse you all the days of your life.

The Bible says there is now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. When you don’t stand when you fall and miss God’s direction. If you fall, quickly repent; if you don’t, guilt and condemnation will come, and the devil will come to steal your joy and peace.

Paul knew this. Therefore, his exhortation was to stand fast in the Lord. I will continue next week with keys of how to stand and be successful in living a steadfast life

Cause If we don’t know how to be steadfast and stable in Christ, then we won’t be able to live joyfully.


Chaplain Judy    



 August 29-Self Control

The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.” 2Tim.1:7  

In order to be happy in life, you must exercise self-control and start doing the right things and stop doing the wrong things. And one of the first things you must do is stop saying, “I just don’t have any self-control.” Self-control is a choice, and the more you choose it, the stronger it becomes. And here is the best part: The power of self-control comes from God, not you. “The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.” It happens automatically as you spend time with God in prayer and His Word. “Listen carefully to my words. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus who is the Word. Let the Word penetrate deep into your heart, for His Word brings life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart more than anything else, for it determines the course of your life” (Prov. 4:20-23). God will give you the power to do this, but you must exercise that power each day.  


There is no quick fix form of self-control. Remember how many times in school you repeated your arithmetic tables before they became part of your thinking? Now you just do it automatically since you learned the right answers for addition, multiplication, subtraction Etc. It comes to your mind and all you must do is think it is in your brain.  Similarly, when you become educated to think as God wants you to think, you will be able to defeat the Devil and walk in victory. And the first step is to stop saying, “I just don’t have any self-control.” You will never rise above what you say! If you believe you’re not a disciplined person, you will not be. So today, come into agreement with God’s Word and start saying, “I am disciplined and self-controlled.” 


Chaplain Judy    



 August 22-Without Faith It Is Impossible
“You can pray for anything, and if you believe…it will be yours.” Mk 11:24 

The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6 NIV). God’s greatest desire is to be believed. You can pray regularly and ritually, and even feel closer to God as a result, yet not expect Him to answer your prayers or for your situation to change. IF FAITH DIS-PLEASES GOD THEN DOUBT AND UN-BELIEF DISPLEASE HIM. Peter had been put in prison and sentenced to death, and his execution was scheduled for the next day. The church went into intercession and prayed all night for his release. God answered and moved miraculously. God put the guards to sleep, opened Peter’s prison door, and set him free. Yet when he appeared on the doorstep of the house where the believers were praying, they couldn’t believe it: “A servant girl exclaimed, ‘Peter is standing at the door!’  They replied, you’re out of your mind!’ When she insisted, they decided, ‘It must be his angel’” (Ac 12:13-15

The early disciples struggled to believe God would hear them. Even when the answer knocked on their door, they still hesitated. And we do too, don’t we? We struggle with prayer. We forget to pray, and when we remember, we rush through prayers with insincere words. Our thoughts are focused on everything else instead of praising God for the answerWhy does this happen? You can pray anywhere, at any time, using your own words, and God promises to answer. So, what’s the problem? We need to realize the incredible power and potential of one praying believer: “Our weapons have power from God that can destroy the enemy’s strong places” (2Co 10:4 NCV). So don’t just pray; believe God for the answer. Talk and act like you believe He can do it, put your confidence in Him. For the things that are impossible with man are possible with God. Is anything to hard for God!  

Chaplain Judy    



 August 8- Zip it! Loose Words Bring Trouble


It would be a good thing if everyone put into practice this bible verse. I am certain that not doing so has caused turmoil in our lives, and that we have hurt others and ourselves simply by talking too much and not thinking before we speak. This verse is intended to help give us wisdom in relationships and life situations. There are definitely times when we need to “Keep what you know to yourself, and you will be safe; talk too much, and you are done for” (v. 3 CEV). Simply put, your tendency to speak without thinking will keep getting you into trouble. The story is told of a vacuum cleaner salesman who had been given a remote rural area as his territory. He was going from farmhouse to While attempting to sell vacuum cleaners on his first day, he arrived at a farmhouse. Then he knocked on the door and was met by a farmer’s wife who asked him what he wanted. Without asking permission, he shoved right past her into the kitchen and said, “I’m selling vacuum cleaners.” Shocked, she replied, “Wait a minute!” But he demanded, “Ma’am, before you say anything, I want to show you something.” Then he reached into his bag, pulled out a pail of dirt, and threw it across her kitchen floor. “If my vacuum cleaner won’t pick up all that dirt,” he bragged, “then I’ll eat it!” She looked at him and said, “Then you better get busy, ’cause we ain’t got no

electricity!” How often we have to eat the words we so recklessly toss on the floor of everyday living! Be careful. Jesus said one day we will give an account for every idle word we speak ( Mt 12:36). Be careful of the words you say and keep them soft and sweet. You never know which ones you’ll have to eat. So unless you want to eat your words, think carefully before speaking.

Chaplain Judy    




July 19 – This is the Day the Lord has Made

This is the day the Lord has made.” Ps 118:24 NKJV

God determines the number of your days, but you determine how they are spent. The Psalmist said, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Yesterday is a gone like a cancelled check, tomorrow is like a promissory note, but today is what you have right now.   And you can begin your life over today with a fresh start, if you live by these words: “Today I will focus on today yesterday and tomorrow.  My today is made for me to affect my tomorrow and let go of my yesterday, as I focus on my today.  I will use my yesterday for learning and my tomorrow will be a consequence of what I do today. How important is it that I face life with the conviction that this day will never return, that it may be the last opportunity I’ll have to contribute because there’s no guarantee I’ll see tomorrow? 

 My declaration today: is that I will be courageous enough not to let opportunity pass me by; and my only alternative will be to succeed. The most valuable resource I can invest is my time, into my most important possession, the life God has given me. And  made this day for me to succeed. He has a plan for my future, a good plan and not evil a plan to bring me to success. Jer 29:11. I’ll spend my time purposefully, making today a unique opportunity.  When I face life’s obstacles I know that with God’s help I can overcome. Today through the power of His Holy Spirit I will resist doubt and pessimism and  rejoice in the day He has made. I’ll maintain a strong faith, expect nothing but the best, take time to be happy, see every task as an opportunity to honor the Lord, and seek to make an impact to leave His footprints on the hearts of those I meet.  Remember it is my time, Tom Boykin wrote, and “time is my life, yesterdays, today and tomorrow—nothing more, nothing less.” The way you spend your hours and your days, is the way you spend your life.” So pray, “Lord, help me to maximize this day.” 

Chaplain Judy    


July 11th – Watering Again

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10 NIV

In the flower beds at my home,I have a sprinkler system and everyday my plants get water and they flourish. But in the back yard, I have no sprinkler system. So being without an automatic sprinkler system in back has been an eye-opening experience for me. It has made me realize just how often plants need water. Andit’s helped me learn the hard way that grass will also die without a continual watersupply.

As I watched the sprinklers the other day, it occurred to me that, much like plants and grass, we continually need water.  We need watered each and everymoment of our lives.  We need to draw from God’s Living Water—Hislife.  Only as we continually draw from Christ life and strength will we be able to grow strong amid the scorching heat.

Are you drawing from Christ, your Living Water, today?  Or are you trying to live on your own? God’s life and strength awaits you. Let Him water your soul over and over again each day.

Chaplain Judy    

June 29th – God Cares About Where You Are

In Jeremiah 29:4-7 we read about God’s people living in exile. God had driven the Israelites away from their homeland because of their disobedience yet God invited them to: change and make a difference.

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” Jeremiah 29:7 By the Lord’s grace, many of us are flourishing in and around cities today. But since we are living in a broken world many adopt a “fortress mentality”. As Christians we can’t withdraw from the culture and community around us to guard ourselves and simply wait for Jesus to return. Neither should we feel like why seek the welfare of the city, when things are only going to get worse before the Lord comes back. Even if things do get worse, don’t we want to take a stand for truth and be the light in the city? When things get dark it takes light to dispel the darkness.

The Hebrews were taken captive by their enemies, and now in the pagan city of Babylon, a city filled with vile things going on, and all kinds of pagan worship which opposes all they believe in. Jeremiah challenges the Hebrew people to realize that God has placed them in Babylon on purpose. He challenges them to do life in the city not run, not put up walls, but make their home there, get jobs and be an influence in the work place, and to grow their families. We as Christians and in the ministry at Anchor Point are called to be the light in dark places. We will not draw back because we have a purpose to become part of the answer, not the problem.

Some translations say, “seek the peace and prosperity of the city.” While they’re being held captive in a pagan city, they’re supposed to be a blessing to the community around them. God was preparing them for the future and teaching them to obey Him. The same principle applies to us today.

God has Anchor Point in communities in this time and culture on purpose. These are times of events and beliefs arising that we have never seen before. God has placed us where we are to seek the welfare of this city. We must recognize that our welfare is connected with the welfare of this larger community surrounding us. It doesn’t matter how big or small your city is, the point is that it is full of people who matter to God.

God calls the Israelites to move into their community vocation. No matter what our circumstances are, we can inquire of the Lord and gain direction from Him on how to engage the city, suburbs, or neighborhood He’s planted us in.

In the midst of hard times, feelings of fear, feelings of inadequacy or a busy schedule, you have an opportunity to trust God. Are you “doing life” in your community? How can we intentionally seek the welfare of the community around us? There are many ways.

Chaplain Judy    

June 21st – Wearing the “Team Jesus” Jersey

Romans 15:1-13, Galatians 3:26-28

When I have attended sports events, I noticed how the adoring fans are speaking as one shouting for their team. It’s nice to be able to watch the game from your favorite chair at home, but it’s never as exhilarating as cheering on your team from the stands. You can feel the energy when you are a part of a shared mission, whether that mission is to win a game or to bring Heaven to earth.

When we ask Jesus into our lives, we give Jesus permission to reshape our values and give us a Godly perspective. In other words, we yield to Him and humble ourselves to His will, that’s what it means to make Jesus our Lord. We put Him in charge of how we live today as well as where we spend eternity. We join His team, His mission.

The difference is that Jesus doesn’t just choose a select few but He sends all of His people out to share the good news that He has set us free and He will set things right forever. When it comes to this mission, no one is too old or too young. Wherever we’ve come from and whatever we’ve done, we all have a place on this team to work well together. (Galatians 3:26-28). At times, you might get tired and want to give up (Romans 15:1-2), but the same way a team feeds off the energy of its fans, we can draw strength from one another. Be a team player by doing your part and encouraging others to keep running the race not to drop out. When our minds are unified with Jesus the way He is unified with His Father, anything is possible. Paul reminds the church in Rome of the special power that comes through unity in Christ. “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5-6). What’s the attitude this verse is speaking of? It tells us we need to have the same mind, we need to speak the same thing, being in one accord, sharing Jesus. We need to have the attitude that it is not about us, but it is about glorifying God in all we say and do. Jesus calls us to be one, working together for His glory.

When we say yes to Jesus, we are clothed with His jersey. And everyone — regardless of skin color, age, social status, or past life experience — has a role to play. Put on your team Jesus jersey!


· When was the last time you drew strength from someone else’s faith? Is there someone you need to bear their burden or build up this week?

· Is there anyone you have a hard time accepting as part of Jesus’ team? Rather than hide that feeling give it to Jesus and pursue unity with that person. Ask Jesus to help you see that person through His eyes.

Chaplain Judy    

June 13th – Don’t Allow What God Did Not Give You

John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The world offers many solutions to your fear: medication, relaxation techniques, psychotherapy exercises, or even escapism through alcohol or drugs.

But here’s what God offers you: Him and His gift of peace!

The peace of His love, the steadiness of His protection, a rock solid foundation of His promises that are true. His promise is that if you step into the destiny He created for you, you WILL succeed.

It doesn’t matter what other people say. There IS greatness in you. God designed you to reach your full potential, to be powerful beyond measure, to have success and joy and abundance in your life.

Don’t let fear make you quit. Don’t let the terror of what “could” happen affect how you take the next step forward. Don’t allow what God did not give you, He has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.

As a daughter of King Jesus you’ve been given the incredible gift of God’s peace. This means you don’t have to let fear trouble your heart. “Let not your heart be troubled” means you are in control of not allowing fear have an open door to your heart. You don’t have to let the unknown shake your fight of faith. Faith is the opposite of fear. Our Faith is in God, putting our trust in Him, no one else and nothing else. Faith in God and His promises will keep fear away. Perfect loves cast out all fear, and His love toward you is perfect and complete.

Leaving things in God’s hands shows confidence that you believe He knows exactly what He’s doing. Believe you can do everything God designed you to do.

Quitting and giving up is not an option of faith. Fight your way through the fear and through the struggle within yourself, and breakthrough the difficulties by faith.

Trust in God’s peace, trust in God’s strength, trust that the greater one in you is BIGGER than any fear trying to get in your way.

You CAN do this. It’s your season to rise.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for giving me Your peace it’s soothing and everything I need to step out of fear and into faith. I believe that it’s my season to become what you designed me to be. Help me to trust you and make you proud. In Jesus’ Name I Pray.

Chaplain Judy    

June 6th – Psychological Distress & Sin

Who hasn’t experienced psychological distress? It can be as hard as or even worse than the trial. A while ago I was moving a rock in the yard when I unexpectedly dropped it on my big toe. It hurt a lot. Yet that weekend, my heart was breaking over a situation which was causing me psychological distress. To my surprise, my heart was hurting even more than my toe. Can you relate? The situation that occurred caused me to feel like the hope I had was dropped and crushed by a rock I wasn’t expecting. Even though it involved another person, I knew this turn of events would call for a new plan and was already causing distress in my life.

As Christians, what can you do about psychological distress? If you want relief from distress or past hurts that hit you hard psychologically, take care of the sin in your life. It might be other people’s sins, or living in a world that is held in the grip of sin that’s causing psychological anguish, but it could be your sin keeping you in psychological distress. In my situation, I realized it wasn’t up to me to fix things or to have a plan, I had to let go and let God have control. Psychological distress can take a toll on our physical bodies. It helps me to ask myself some questions when I feel stress and confess I need to know what His plan is and follow it.

Reflective questions: Do you take on more than you can handle? Is life out of balance? Are you setting boundaries and if so are you keeping them in place? Do you feel like you always have to be the fixer? Do you find yourself driving yourself to do more, just to please someone else, or feel accepted? Then are you left with exhaustion, weariness and questioning even confused about what direction you should go, or what the answer is? Could it be that sometimes we are our worst enemy because we have fallen into the temptation of sin in trusting in our self. (Many times we don’t even realize it.) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to you own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him.

Our wrong perception or lack of understanding His way can cause us to waiver in trusting Him when psychological distress will come upon us. Acknowledge that you need the Lord in every situation, and ask him to give you the right perspective, and keep your heart from sin. Relinquish control. We live in an era of have it your way, but that’s not God, unless your ways are in alignment with His. God will not fail you, He will not lie, and He will not leave you. He has the plan for the future, it’s good, not evil and designed to bring success in every area of you life. Even if your psychological distress is from a chemical imbalance, allowing God to get sin out of our life makes us close to Him and gives us peace and strength to cope.

Remember, when you finally agree with God about a sin, then you are working with Him not against Him (1 John 1:9). Be consistent and patient because some sins have become a pattern of how you deal with life and may take a little longer to overcome. If you truly want to deal with it, ask God. He will lovingly get it out of your life. Jesus suffered distress on the cross, when the sins of the world were placed on Him. He understands and He is your deliverer. Psalm 32:1-5 38:18, 139:23-24, Proverbs 28:13 and 1 Peter 2:24-25.

Chaplain Judy    

May 22nd – Directional Signposts

“For we are…created…for good works.”Eph 2:10 NKJV

Christ Jesus invites us to join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do, work we need to be doing. Busy about our Father’s business.

This is a season of graduation for many people and I would encourage anyone that before you decide on a career of what you’ll devote your life to, seek God for guidance. Nothing can take the place of knowing His will. If you don’t know it, you’re likely to spend your life doing the wrong things. And even if you’re well-paid, you’ll still experience an emptiness and lack of fulfillment within.

“Everyone has his own specific assignment that demands fulfillment and everyone’s task is as unique as his specific opportunity.” God created you for a specific purpose. Your responsibility (and your joy) is to identify it.

Here are four questions to ask yourself when it comes to identifying your life’s purpose: (1) What am I searching for? All of us have a strong desire in our hearts; something that speaks to our deepest thoughts, longings, and feelings; something that sets our souls on fire. (2) Why was I created? Think about your unique mix of abilities, the relationships and resources available to you, your personal history, and the opportunities around you. These are all directional signposts. (3) Do I believe in my potential? One leadership expert says, “No one can consistently act in a manner that is inconsistent with the way he or she sees themselves.” (4) When should I start?The answer to that question is now! If you seek His ways you will find them, they are higher than what you think, and His ways will lead you to fulfill your God appointed destiny.

Chaplain Judy    

May 10th – Choose Your Priorities

“I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” Jn 15:16 NKJV

In order to fulfill God’s plan for your life, you must establish clear priorities and live by them each day. Have you ever just felt like you were just tired of thinking so in that weariness you just came to a conclusion just to get something accomplished. Sadly, many people arrive at priorities based on where they ran out of steam. That is not what you want to do, nor do you want to allow others to decide God’s plan for you or your priorities.

There are many ways to decide priorities, but foremost they must always line up with God’s will for you. Heb 13:20-21. Jesus said, “I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.”

Observe: (1) You must know that God has chosen and appointed you to a particular area of service.

(2) Your goal in life should be fruit that “remains” after you, something that outlasts you. If used properly, money and influence can aid you in fulfilling God’s plan and bearing fruit but should not be your goal or your heart’s desire.

So, how can you establish the right priorities? Get to know and focus on your strengths and the things that use your God-given skills best. Consider what brings you the highest return and reward and what you enjoy most and do best. Those are your core gifts. Utilize the 80/20 rule. Give 80 percent of your effort to the top 20 percent of your activities. Bottom line: Jesus said you are to give your attention to the areas that bear the most fruit.

Chaplain Judy    

May 2nd – God are you listening?

God, are you listening?

We have all been on the phone talking when a call gets drop. Sometimes we have been talking for minutes and then realize no one is listening. It makes you feel frustrated and foolish recognizing you aren’t being heard. It’s like when customer service transfers us for the sixth time and no one is listening to what you need. It can also be the reason we struggle with prayer. We pour our hearts out to God, but we wonder:

God are you listening? How do I know He heard me?

When Daniel found himself in a difficult situation, he humbled himself and prayed. Then when Daniel didn’t get an immediate answer, he fasted and prayed some more. It wasn’t easy, but Daniel kept calling out to God the same way we keep calling back when an important call gets dropped.

The difference between calling God and calling another person is that God never loses touch with us. God’s messenger reassured Daniel that God heard every word and started working in Daniel’s life the moment he cried out (Daniel 10:12-13).

God always hears our prayer. Fighting through the frustration and persevering in prayer is not about getting God’s attention; it’s about Him getting ours. With each prayer, we remember where our help comes from and we must take time to hear from the Lord.

God is working and we can trust Him even when it seems like nothing is happening. Let not your heart be troubled, neither be afraid, but know God hears you and He’s working on the little things and the hard things to bring together an answer for your good (Romans 8:28).

Reflect: How comfortable do you feel with prayer? What, if anything, stops you from reaching out to God when life is hard?

Don’t focus on the mountain but focus on the Lord, our help comes from Him.

Is there a prayer you’ve given up on or felt like God forgot? Take some time today to pray, trusting that God does hear you and is working on your behalf.

Chaplain Judy    

April 25th – Influence & Impact Others

“Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19

Were you brought up with good communication skills? Most people were not. It’s important to learn and work on good communication. There are good formula/principles in James on how to influence and impact others.

(1) Try to listen carefully. The truth is that people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. One important principle of communicating and building relationships is listening and giving others a chance to express themselves. People tend to filter what they hear through their life experiences, hang-ups, and the problem that’s on their mind right then. If you want people to listen when you speak, listen carefully to them.

(2) Don’t say too much. Do you tend to talk too much, or too fast? Tips: slow yourself down: take a breath and just stop talking, then wait at least 10 seconds and let someone else speak. Start practicing not interrupting, but allowing the other person to finish what they are saying. Have you ever ask yourself why you’re talking so much? Is it insecurity, anxiety, need to control, or a desire to impress? The Holy Spirit taught me that when we try to convince, impress, or control others we are in the flesh and lack trusting in God to work things out. It’s usually best to just deliver the message and trust God to do the rest. If you implement these two then not easily angered will just happen.

These principles promote peace and builds relationships. It would be wise to take God’s wisdom and word and practice it.

Chaplain Judy   

April 19th – The Blessing in the Asking

Do you understand that God is your champion? Because the main reason you may not walk in victory is that you limit God. Even after countless miracles in the desert, the people of Israel grieved God by limiting Him. God is able and ready to do a miracle in your life if you do not limit Him. Don’t doubt, ask believing. Here are some scriptures to reflect on, to build your belief factor in God’s ability to answer you. These scriptures point to the blessing when you humble yourself to ask, and the right perspective of seeing how giving God is and the vastness of His supply.

Key Scriptures:

Psalm 78:12-41: Matthew 23:37; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Ephesians 3:20; Matthew 27:2; 2 Corinthians 7:6; Luke 1:37; John 16:24; Genesis 18; Matthew 7:11; 2 Chronicles 16:12; Luke 11:20; Mark 7:27; Mark 6:5

1. Pray big prayers. God wants to hear your big prayers and give you awesome answers. Don’t be afraid to ask God for anything.

2. God always has more. God always has more grace than you have sin, more forgiveness than you have failure, more healing than you have pain, and more mercy than you have mistakes. He is a God of more than enough and meeting your need will never drain God’s spiritual budget.

3. Nothing is impossible with God. Have the audacity to ask God for big things. You can’t ask God for too much; nothing is too hard for Him. When you stop asking, God stops answering.

4. We limit God when we don’t ask. You get from God what you ask. Don’t just ask for small things; ask Him for miracles. Asking God is essential because you have not because you ask not.

5. We limit God when we have the wrong perception. We need to see how big our God is and His limitless provision. What you are asking for may be big to you, but not to God. Nothing is too big for Him or impossible. Think big God, who wants to amaze us and bless us in big ways. It’s ok to ask; He says come to me with your needs. He will not reject you.

Don’t limit God by asking for small things or not asking at all. All it takes is a crumb from the master’s table to provide for you and do a miracle in your life. It is up to you to keep asking, seeking, and knocking that is your part, and believe God to do what only He can do.

Chaplain Judy   

April 11th – Hope Makes All Things New

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Revelation 21:5

Have you ever wondered what the future will be like? I do. Does hearing all the doomsday forecast make you wonder if we will find pathways toward a better future? One thing I know is we can’t look only to ourself and what we know is happening or even what appears to be happening. Some problems seem impossible to solve causing reasons to feel gloomy, disheartened, or depressed they attacked our hope and our faith in the one who has the power to change things and give us wisdom, hope and a plan for the future.

God gives us many good reasons to be hopeful. First, God loves his creation, that’s us, so much that He sent his Son to redeem us and to show us a better way of life, the kingdom way. The kingdom way is a walk of hope and faith believing God offers us forgiveness and new life. This life is more than a pardon for sin but a gift of a new future made possible through Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul says that when we are “in Christ,” the old is gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). And in Revelation 21:5 we read that God is “making everything new.” Not only does God do this regarding our eternal life, but He continues to intervene in life’s problems right now, in the present, as well as the future. He promises to be with us giving us mercy, grace, and hope and and hope does not disappoint. God cannot fail.

Titus 2:12-13 teaches us “to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

The word blessed can mean “happy” or “beneficial”; our hope is “blessed” above measure in that Jesus’ return will be an amazing, joyful experience for the believer in Christ. The trials of this life will be over, and we will see that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). The word hope does not mean “I hope that something might occur”; rather, it is the glad assurance that something will take place. Jesus is our hope, and no one can take that hope away. “Hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” (Romans 5:5). The “blessed hope,” then, is the joyful assurance that God will extend His benefits to us and that Jesus Christ will return. We are waiting for this event now. Jesus said He would return (John 14:3), the angels said He would return (Acts 1:11), and the epistles say He will return. Jesus could come back at any time for His church, which includes all believers in Christ from the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 onward.). This will happen in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52). Then we will ever be in the presence of the Lord, our eternal home Heaven where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. Death can not take this hope, for death is this life, is what opens the door for us to enter into the presence of our new life and occupy our new residence in heaven for evermore with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus’ imminent return should motivate the believer to live godly in an ungodly world looking each day in continual anticipation and expectancy, with the conviction that Jesus could come at any time. That hope becomes a transforming reality in this life, resulting in God being glorified through us (1 Corinthians 10:31). The blessed hope brings us joy and cheers us through the trials of this world. It should also cause us to stop and evaluate our thinking, words, and actions.

Lord, help us to live pleasing to you and to do justice, love mercy, trust Jesus, and follow him. Help us to enter your good future. Give us hope as we participate and invite others. Amen.

Chaplain Judy   

April 4th – Jesus Our Passover Lamb

By painting the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their houses, the enslaved people of Israel were spared from a plague of death. God said when I see the blood, I will pass over them. He made a distinction between the Egyptians and His people because of the blood. They were redeemed by the blood. The Israelites obeyed the instruction of God putting it around the openings of their door, and then ate all of the lamb during their Passover meal. The Lord kept His promises and His plan to deliver them from the hands of the Egyptians. The plague took the lives of all the Egyptians’ firstborn sons. I can only imagine the wailing and the crying over this loss because the hard-hearted Pharaoh would not listen to God’s plea through Moses to : “Let my people go!” Have you applied the blood to the doorpost of your heart?

The Blood covers you, redeems you, protects and delivers you, through His blood you are given salvation.

The Lord’s Feast of Passover has been celebrated every year since that day long ago. And it’s no coincidence that Jesus’s last supper with his disciples was during the Passover feast. He said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God” (Luke 22:15-16). The next day He fulfilled it as He laid down his body to suffer and shed His blood on the cross.

Passover was not a foreign concept to the early Christian church. They understood the significance of the Passover and that it symbolized what John wrote. John the Baptist states in John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. As the ultimate Passover Lamb, Jesus freed us from being slaves to sin (John 8:34). The early church considered the markings on the doors post of the Israelites to be precursors for the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. Without the death of Jesus Christ, God the Father would look on the world and see it in its state of sin. God hates sin. But because Jesus took on the punishment for our sin, the judgment for sin has passed over us. Believing in him, we have new life to live with joy and trust in the Lord forever!

Today, He waits patiently for whosoever will accept Jesus’s sacrifice as payment, once and for all, for sin. His blood is more than a treatment, it is a cure for the sin problem. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God [salvation is that gift] is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Though this body of ours may die, we will never die, our Spirit will live eternally with Him in heaven. There we will forever be in the presence of the Lord. The unleavened bread eaten at Passover symbolizes the requirement from each committed Christian to leave the sins of this world behind; to remain unleavened. Through His death and resurrection we have been given a new life to live, holy and acceptable that separates us from worldly living and prepares us to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – our Passover Lamb!

Today Passover begins, so rejoice in your redemption, for you have been bought with the precious blood of Christ! He is the resurrection and the life, so never the less it is not I who lives, but it is Christ living in me.

O God, help us to share the love and mercy of Christ, the Passover Lamb, our Savior. Amen.

Chaplain Judy   

March 27th – You are all together lovely.

PSALM 45:11 your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness.

As believers we don’t necessarily see our own radiance in Christ. When we get up in the morning and look at our “morning face” in the mirror we are not usually seeing the glorious beauty of Christ manifested on our face. But His Glory and radiance are within us and are always there- morning, noon and night. Those in darkness can behold that beauty and light, noticing it even when we don’t.

I’m sure you have seen the light on others and knew it was not natural – it was something greater than them for sure. We may not see the glow coming off us.

Jesus is always beholding your glow and radiance and doesn’t stop thinking about you. He wants us to see His beauty in ourselves.

All of us at times may feel a bit frumpy and like we are missing the mark of beautiful in our outward appearance. Is there something about your appearance that you feel is not beautiful. Well God wants us to see beyond the outer layer. God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, (which has gotten many folks in the wrong relationships), but God looks at the heart. I Samuel 16:7

John 10:10 Jesus says “a thief has only one thing in mind to kill, steal and destroy. The devil would love to steal the truth about your beauty from you. He is a liar, a killer, and a thief. Any time you receive adverse thoughts about your beauty and loveliness you need to call the devil a liar and believe the exact opposite.

The Word of God reveals who you really are. God says you are beautiful. Lovely and radiant and His word is the absolute truth. Look for the beauty in yourself, believe it, focus on the beauty God gave you, and then go into the world and let that beauty shine.

Prov 31:18 Her shining light will not be extinguished, no matter how dark the night.

Decree this:

1. I am truly blessed with beautiful brightness in Christ.

2. Christ in me is my hope of glory, and He is the glory and lifter of my head.

3. I shine as a light in the world I live in, and the Lord delights in me

4. The beauty of the Lord is upon me as I go about my day, so I will arise and shine for my light has come and the Lord’s glory appears upon me.

5. The Lord makes his face shine upon me and is gracious to me.

6. The Lord has crowned me with glory and majesty.

7. I have radiant beauty and it is ever renewed within me.

So look in the mirror and ask him to show you the beauty and radiance He has given you. Think on His light within you and embrace the truth of how you are altogether lovely. Then go about your day releasing that radiant light.

Chaplain Judy   

March 20th – Are You Really Fine?

We all go through negative things that come our way, and it is certainly ok to share with another believer who can encourage you and pray for you when you feel weak. You might be physically weak, emotionally weak, or you feel weak in your faith. The Word says “So discard every form of dishonesty and false speaking so you will be known as one who always speaks the truth for we are all parts of the same body.” (We belong to God and to one another.) —Ephesians 4:25

Do you find yourself automatically responding to the question “how are you?” without thinking you respond “Fine, thank you” or “Fine; how are you?” It seems this question has replaced “hello” in our culture. So many times we respond this way but we are not really fine we feel “frustrated, insecure, nervous, [and] exhausted.” Can you relate to any of these?

· Frustrated: dissatisfied with the current situation. A career that isn’t going the way you planned, a marriage and/or children that don’t resemble your dreams and wondering if things will ever change. Not to mention common disruptions that upset the status quo like traffic jams, illness, or unexpected repairs.

· Insecure: apprehensive about measuring up—to your own or other’s expectations. Fears and voices from past experiences that can still invade your thoughts whether it’s laughter at your expense, or remarks that you didn’t meet the goals/fulfill the requirements/(just fill in the blank). Or maybe just trying to handle it all perfectly by yourself and fearing failure.

· Nervous: anxious about the “what-if” situations of life. Worry about your families, test results from the doctor, the economy and lay-offs, crime statistics, and any number of issues. The list is endless.

· Exhausted: fatigued, weary, drained, worn out… don’t need to describe it further as it is far too familiar. Every category occurs one day or another and some days, more than one applies.

Yet we still say “I’m fine” when asked.

So what should we say? People don’t need to hear our lamenting over and over. I meet people all the time who tell me all their problems and I don’t even know them. At one time I used to get really frustrated with this, and even avoid some people, because that is all they wanted to talk about. I realized in learning better communication skills, if I handled this right they became great opportunities to minister the truth and pray for others. You never know what kind of change can take place when you take time to show compassion and pray for others. But remember you need prayer also. Just think what a difference it might make if we were being honest with our brothers and sisters in Christ? What if we were more truthful about our circumstances, with those we trust or when the timing is appropriate? In Ephesians, Paul instructed the church about the unity they shared in Christ and reminded them of the support of fellow believers. We are not isolated individuals, but a community of encouragement.

I’m not always having a good day even though I know every day is the day the Lord made and I need to rejoice. But sometimes folks get so worn out that they can’t even rejoice by faith. Far too often we resist letting our guard down, or taking off the mask. We cannot carry all the burdens, we must cast them upon Jesus. Jesus cares and He is lovingly compassionate. So when you need prayer, humble yourself and admit it to a friend. A friend that will listen, encourage, give us the truth, and share the burden in prayer. The support of a friend is worth being authentic for a few minutes.

I hope this encourages you to be honest today– and remember that it’s ok to let people know how you’re really doing. It’s amazing the support God provides through our friends and family! We are all part of the family of God so at Anchor Point we should be like family and keep each other uplifted in prayer. I love that we can pray for each other.

Please know that I am here for you to pray for your needs and your God given desires. Praying consistently not just when you have a need but when I feel impressed by the Holy Spirit to pray specifically for you and for all of us corporately.

Chaplain Judy   

March 15th – Where Does Peace Start?


Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 

Christ desires us to have peace. If we do not have it, we miss part of the blessings of being a Christian. That’s a simple statement, but I think we make it too hard. Too complicated. This promise is that He can give you peace at all times and in every circumstance. The truth is you are not alone in anything He is with you. We think that finding peace when we are in the midst of a storm can only be for the super saint who knows how to have super faith. Therefore we figure such experiences are not for every Christian. That’s not true, Christ wants every Christian to experience His peace. How many of us lived in peace this past week? Have you had peace today? If not, what is wrong? 

This is a blessing in Numbers 6:26  “The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. It is a gift of God deposited in you. Where does peace begin? “Acquaint yourselves with Him and be at peace” (Job 22:21). Finding peace begins as we get acquainted personally with Jesus the Prince of Peace. 

His peace comes into our heart by the Holy Spirit. This peace is not like the world gives you only when things are going good. The gift of peace from the Holy Spirit  is independent of all outside conditions. We cannot live a life without facing sorrows for to love is to weep sometimes in life’s journeys. It is a beautiful thing to have a friend to hold your hand through all the struggles, and to rejoice in all the victories that the peace of the Holy Spirit has brought you through.  

When joy feels impossible, peace is always possible. The peace of God can turn sorrow into joy. When you feel heaviness, put on the garment of praise, and He promises to lift you out of despair. Try praising Him when you don’t feel like it, even when you don’t have music to lead you into praise. You have lips that were created to praise Him!  When you acquaint yourself personally with Jesus by praise, by meditating on His Word, and by simply communicating with Him through prayer then you begin to tap into the peace that is already within you. Believe you have it! 

Here is a poem I found: God hasn’t promised skies ever blue 

Flower-strewn pathways always for you, God hasn’t promised sun without rain 

Joy without sorrow or Peace without pain. 

But God has promised strength from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love.    

And with this knowledge comes peace. Peace in the pain and sorrow. Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee (Is 26:3). There’s the promise. keep your mind on the Prince of Peace. Jesus is with you.

Chaplain Judy   

March 6th – For Such a Time as This

We’re living in the time of Mordecai and Esther. Purim begins Monday night. It is a festive time of celebrating, of the Jewish people’s rescue from—and victory over—a wicked government minister and advisor to the King . Haman made up accusations and conspired to kill them and the King trusted Haman, so he agreed.

But when Queen Esther, who had favor with the King, came and revealed that she and her uncle Mordecai were Jewish, the King commanded by letter that this wicked plot should be brought on Haman’s own head. So he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows he built to kill the Jews. This is a month which was turned from sorrow to joy for the Jews , and from mourning to a holiday. 

This passage in the Word shows the relationship of different members of the body of Christ. (1Cor 12) It was Mordecai that heard from God, he informed Esther. Esther was humble enough that she could hear Mordecai, trust him, and receive the direction that he gave her, then carry it out. She didn’t feel “less than” because she didn’t hear from GOD directly. She received the challenge. She took a great risk by revealing that she was Jewish and taking a stand against the enemy of her people.

It was Esther that foiled the plans of the enemy and saved the Jews. But she couldn’t of done that had Mordecai not informed her of what was going on and challenged her to action!

We are called to do a work in the kingdom and we all have a place. Just because somebody else moves in an area we don’t seem to do as well in, it doesn’t mean we are missing it or lacking something. That ability/function belongs to somebody else. If anyone thinks they can do it all, they are walking in pride and not in the fullness of God. 

Learn what your function is, and work with others in the body of Christ so that the entire body is built up. God help us not to be competitive, jealous, insecure, or feel less then, in this fresh pouring out of Holy Spirit.  

What is God challenging you to do today. Are you willing to take the risk? If not now, when? Esther was raised up for such a TIME AS THIS. She did not loose her favor, she kept her position, and she humbled herself and moved forward in the Kingdom. So when you dream, think big and think of this story as you rest in the fact that you are favored and God has a plan that is greater than your enemy.

Remember it was the Persian Empire and one Jewish woman. And guess who wins?

Chaplain Judy   

March 1st – The Waymaker

Sometimes I face challenges that are bigger than I can handle. So, I cry out to the Lord. I know a lot can be accomplished a little at a time. Going step by step is something that keeps my mind from chaos.

I know from experience how challenges can seem like mountains, but God promises to direct our steps and give us His help and wisdom (Psalm 37:23, Psalm 51:6). He gives us the courage to keep going forward (Joshua 1:9).

Maybe some of you feel like you are in a narrow place where you can barely see where to place your feet. This reguires even greater focus on the path so it was important to stay focused. pray and breathe with the goal of accomplishing the mission.

Many of the issues we face challenge us in navigating to the other side because it is always in our immediate sight or close reach. But this is where hope kicks in that Christ Jesus will lead us to triumph and keeps us in peace. God will lace things in our path to push us or for us to pull up on, like signpost that provide direction and support.

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the LORD of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).

Let’s face it, we can do nothing on our own, but by His powerful Spirit and with His great grace, all things are possible through Christ (2 Corinthians 12:9), even surmounting challenging mountains.

“Grace” is found twice in this Scripture: What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” (Zechariah 4:7)

For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace (John 1:16). Grace as God’s favor toward us and God’s “supernatural enablement at work in us.” By praying in faith and relying upon Him, God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. His grace enables us to courageously press on through the mountain until we arrive victoriously on the other side.

When we can’t see our way through, just as God did with the mountain Zechariah faced, we too must speak “Grace, grace!” and watch God do a mighty work. The mountains will be brought low, and the crooked places will be made straight (Luke 3:5) because we are clinging to the One who is our life, our strength, and our way maker.

Prayer, focus, and grace will bring you insight and victory into a God who is the way maker when there seems to be no way.

Chaplain Judy   

February 22nd – Communion

The Lord’s Supper is significant to all of us for multiple reasons. In 1 Corinthians 11:26, Paul writes how the Lord’s Supper is given to us by God Himself as means to bring unity within the body of Christ. Moreover, when we observe the Lord’s Supper, we recognize that the table looks in three different directions: it looks to the past, the present and the future.

The Past: Commemoration

The Lord’s Supper refers to the last Passover meal Jesus had with His disciples here on Earth (see Luke 22:14-20). Jesus took the bread and the cup and passed them around, signifying that His body would be broken (torn to pieces) and that the shedding of His blood would usher in the New Covenant (see Jeremiah 31:31-33).

Therefore, the Lord’s Supper makes us remember what Jesus did on the cross. That is why it says, “… Do this in remembrance of Me” in both verse 24 and verse 25. We are to always remember the atoning sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross for our sins.

The Present: Communion

The Lord’s Supper speaks of the present and how we have communion and fellowship with Christ, now, because our sins are forgiven. We do not have to wait for Heaven to have fellowship with God, we not only have communion with God, but we can have communion with other believers. This brings unity out of division, which was exactly what was happening in Corinth when Paul wrote this letter. And most importantly we have salvation, deliverance, and healing because of His sacrifice. His body was broke for our transgressions. He poured out his blood to sacrifice for our sins, and by His stripes we are healed. Healing is the children’s bread, by His stripes we are healed now. Receive it!

The Future: Commitment

We are to continually observe the Lord’s Supper “till He comes” (v. 26c). Therefore, this table also looks ahead to Christ’s return and reminds us that Jesus is victorious and will set up His kingdom here on earth. We are to proclaim the Lord’s death (through the observance of the Lord’s Supper) until He comes again in the future. It signifies the destruction of Satan, when Jesus returns in victory. We won’t be taking communion at that point because we will be at the banquet table, and Satan will be defeated.

The Lord’s Supper keeps us focused on the cross. It draws us into fellowship with God and the body of Christ. It gives us the hope of the resurrection, the promise of victory over Satan and sin, and the truth of Heaven.

The next time you observe communion at church, take a moment to reflect on the past, the present, and the future—and God’s incredible love and faithfulness.

Chaplain Judy   

February 6th – The Value of Wisdom’s Riches

Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is the wisdom that preserves those who have it. Ecclesiastes 7:11-12

Did you know that the money you make on the job is not what keeps you alive? Sure it pays the bills. But if you had to choose between money and wisdom, wisdom is really the better choice.

Money comes and goes. If you use your money wisely it will shelter you from hunger, homelessness and misery in the future. Being wise with your money is beneficial in your day to day life, and your future. But more importantly is that a lack of wisdom in your life leads many to make choices that lead them to illness, poverty, or emotional trauma. In some cases it can even lead to death.

But God’s wisdom provides true life and protection, whether you have plenty of cash or just a little. You might get some benefit from money, but you will always benefit from wisdom, as it impacts every portion of you life.

The only wisdom you need is what God has to offer. This scripture tells us wisdom is an inheritance, a good thing, a benefit, an advantage and a shelter. Wisdom will also preserve all those who see the light of God’s wisdom and receive it. The Lord would love to share it with you today. Are you ready to accept it? Humble yourself and admit you need His wisdom and ask Him for it., and He will give it to you liberally. IT’S YOUR INHERITANCE!

PRAYER: Lord I need your wisdom to make the most of my life. Help me to walk in it today.

Chaplain Judy   

January 24th – Comrades in the Lord Jesus Christ

I Thessalonians 5:27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.

Paul uses the word brethren often when he writes to the churches. The word in the greek is adelphos (“brother”) which was used to describe two people who were born from the same womb. So when this word was used it was meant to imply we all come from the same womb of humanity. We have the same feelings, similar emotions, and we deal with the same problems. We are born from the womb of God, related by the blood of Jesus Christ, and members of the same spiritual family.

But the word brethren also had another significant meaning it was used to describe faithful soldiers. These warriors were true brothers, comrades and partners who were united to fight the same fight, handle the same weapons, and win the same war.

Alexander the great would huge public ceremonies giving awards to those who had gone the extra mile. When the most coveted awards were given Alexander the Great would call them forth and embrace them and declare that He was proud to be the brother of this soldier. These soldiers were true comrades who stood together, they had each other’s back and they achieve a special level of brotherhood because they stayed united together in the heat of the fiery trials and battles.

Paul was saying in addition to being blood brothers we are all in a similar fight, slugging it out against the same enemy, and this common fight makes us real comrades. They were struggling in their personal lives just as we do and they did not give up. Brethren can apply to us as sisters in the Lord who are women soldiers, women of war, sisters who are on the front lines, slugging it out and plodding along, one step as a time.

Paul was encouraging the brethren it is not how well you fight. but that you keep on fighting. Because you belong to Christ and are committed you are the kind of believer worth knowing. So don’t give up on yourself, and don’t give up on those believers around you who seem to be struggling. As long as they keep on fighting and stay in unity for the cause, they are worthy of your friendship. I believe we should all be proud to be associated with people of such a spiritual caliber!

Prayer: Lord, help me see myself and other Christian brothers and sister as soldiers in the army of God. Help me to have the attitude of determination that refuses to surrender to hardship or throw in the towel in the face of difficulty. As you are building this attitude in me, help me to encourage others to have a determined attitude who are facing hostile forces that have come to steal their victory and joy.

Chaplain Judy   

January 17th – Put God In Charge of Your Work

“Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.” (Proverbs 16:3 The Message)

No matter what you do, you can worship God as you work. God gives each of us a task to perform that’s called work. No matter the size or the details, when we commit our duties and responsibilities to God, He manages the outcomes (Proverbs 16:3). Is it possible to worship God amid the hustle and bustle of work?

There is an unlimited supply of the kind of work we can choose to do. As a result, our work can be exciting as we give it to God and let Him produce the outcomes though us. Have you ever thought of the Lord as being a partner with you in your work? When we invite Him into what we do and cooperate with His will then we don’t have to struggle to perform the task.

Work is not just a routine to the Lord. The Lord has given us all responsibilities and task and they are created for our enjoyment and satisfaction. Can you imagine how much Adam enjoyed naming all the animals, and then named His helpmate Wo-man. I have wondered if God found it humorous the names Adam came up with. The work we choose is not by accident. God wants us to take pleasure in our work, finding joy in what we do. It is the Lords provision for your daily needs. However caring for your home and spouse, and raising children is definitely a continual work and one of the most rewarding call we will ever have. You have the opportunity in everything you do to show the love of God to others. Let all that you do be done in love so that others might know the love of God.

When you work enthusiastically, you worship God as you work. Every time you commit a task to Him, and then perform it with your whole heart and the excellence He gives, He receives glory and honor.

Based on this short devotional, what ways can you worship God as you work today?

Prayer: Ask God to remove from you, your home and work environment, anything that may be used to create a wedge of strife. Then ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with joy and peace as you complete the call He has given you at home and in the workplace. Come to Him and receive a fresh drink of living water, and be fed with the fullness of His word. May others see a spirit of worship on you!

Chaplain Judy   

January 9th – How God Defines Success

“When they found Him, they declared: ‘Everyone is looking for you!’ Jesus replied, ‘Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.’” Mark 1: 37, 38

How do you define success?

According to Webster, success is “meeting or achieving the desired outcome”. In other words success is measured by our achievements, accomplishment, or talents and this often translates to money, fame, or power.

What about God, how does He define success?

God defines success as fulfilling His will and purpose in our lives.

Based on this definition, Jesus was the most successful person to have ever lived, being the only one to have perfectly fulfilled God’s will. So, how exactly did Jesus live?

1. Jesus put His Father first.

2. Jesus never lost sight of His mission.

Jesus’ entire purpose was to bring humanity – us – back to God. He wanted as many people as possible to experience God’s grace and forgiveness. But, His disciples didn’t always get it.

In Mark, when Jesus went to spend time with God, putting God first, the disciples became concerned. When Jesus returned Peter exclaimed, “Everyone is looking for You.” But Peter really meant “Jesus, where have you been? There are 200 people outside looking to be healed! Kind of like we now have the largest church in the region, and the momentum is really taking off! Let’s stay focused and get to work.”

Jesus did not allow man to dictate his mission or how He would accomplish it. God instructed Him.

Jesus, having spent time with God, remained focused on His mission by staying connected to God, even in the face of His disciples’ good intentions. Instead of catering to the growing crowd, Jesus told Peter that it was time to move on. Yes, miracles are important, the ministry is important, and helping is important – but Jesus desires a heart change in each of us.

Our lives are full of distractions: family, friends, work, obligations, and social media. Not all distractions are bad, but if we aren’t careful, we can lose sight of God’s purpose for our lives. Our purpose should not be with the intention to please people but to please God, and fulfill our Father’s will. Don’t lose sight of your mission.

As you give this some thought how do you define success? Is the success you’re seeking only temporary, or is it an eternal success that lasts forever? May each of us be successful – God’s way!

Chaplain Judy   

December 20th – With Joy

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4

Christmas time is known as a season of joy, but have you ever thought about the fact that just knowing God is something that should bring joy to our life everyday. God is a good God and we should have fun living our life for Him. Some folks who don’t really have a clear understanding of God’s character think of Him as some mean judge, waiting to pounce down on them and cause them misery. Often these feeling will cause someone to avoid God because they know He has a right to judge them. So the idea of fun and God don’t seem to go together. But they do go together. In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy. Just spending time with Him fills you with the joy and peace you need. That’s good Godly communication. Don’t let the devil get in your head and keep you from communicating with God. The devil is a liar.

One of the testimonies you can offer to your co-workers is the joy you feel in God, even if you don’t say a word but your actions show confidence in the face of trouble. Is there an overflow of joy expressed when you say His name and a peace that comes over you? We certainly should communicate joy with words also as the Lord leads us.

But be aware that words alone are not enough to share God’s love. Your spirit can shine even when words can’t explain how you feel.

I was reflecting on this for myself and realize I am often in serious mode. By that, I mean I am so focused on what I am called to do for the Lord that my mind can be like a train on a track. But trains have to switch tracks to reach their destination. I don’t want to be so fixated on something that I miss the switch to complete the destination. So I do my best to remember to switch to yoy mode in doing what I do for Christ.

We should all have joy in our job, our life, and our relationships. I love to preach and teach the word, and pray. But I also love to have fun in Jesus and laugh like crazy cause it is the best medicine for my soul.

So this season be sure you are in joy mode and have fun, lots of laughter, and we will all feel good. Let’s take a big dose of God’s medicine, LAUGHTER!

Luke 2:10 the angel said, Do not be afraid I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Christ our savior was born what great news!

Prayer – Lord, help my joy in you to shine through and let my words express joy to others. Fill me with your joy overflowing even in the midst of difficulties. I refuse to allow the devil to steal my Joy and make me weak. For the joy of the Lord is my strength. I’ll take my Godly medicine daily and laugh, laugh, laugh. A merry heart is good to us like a medicine. Prov17:22

Chaplain Judy   

December 15th – Hear the Good News


“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart…” Isaiah 40:11

Stop and read Luke 2:8-18. Take a moment and really think about it. Jesus had just been born, but the only people who knew were His parents and the farm animals. The Messiah had come, and no one had been ready to receive Him. It certainly seems He should have had some sort of welcoming party, doesn’t it? But nobody gave Jesus a party, however the Angels showed up to announce His coming to some shepherds who were watching nearby. All the angels in heaven were rejoicing and singing praise but there were no other humans there beside Mary and Joseph to witness His birth.

At first the shepherds were terrified by the appearance of the angel. So, why did God choose the shepherds? Of all the people the angel could have appeared to that night, why them? They were not the educated, the rich, or the priest who should have believed and expected him. But they were awake and they were watching. This was a defining moment in their life. The Shepherds had a visitation from God, they received good news, and they were invited to worship him. They never dreamed what they would see.

Folks the Lord is willing to send angelic visitation to his beloved, He is a good Shepherd that will give us a word of hope, he deserves our worship and praise. Will we be willing to lay down our busyness, our concerns our troubles and come to him in worship. He wants to see that we have the faith to dream big and expect Him to do the impossible. He will care for His sheep, protect His sheep heal their wounds, and provide what we need. If we are awake and listen He will send us a word of hope and encouragement, good news that will lead us in the right direction to find His will for our life. After all, we are wrapped in His loving arms and it is a good thing to celebrate what the Lord has done.

The angels popped into the shepherds’ perception and invited them to praise. After seeing Him, they had no choice but to share Him. They spread the word that our messiah had been born. Are we spreading the word about our good Shepherd our redeemer who brings salvation to the world. God saw them watching over their responsibility no matter how lowly it might have been they were faithful to fulfill their call.

Perhaps God saw them watching over their flocks and wanted them to see the one who watched over them. Maybe He wanted to show them just how far He would go to see that not one lamb was lost. Read John 10:14-18. Praise Jesus that He sought us out when we were lost and laid down his life for us. Pray, asking Him to find your lost friends and family members today, and like the shepherds, spread the word on your way.

Think about what response the shepherds could have had other than “Let’s go see this thing!” What would have been your response?

Chaplain Judy   

December 5th – Unchanging God

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Change is constant in our world and culture. In our jobs, tasks change, clients change, technology changes, our leaders change, our direction toward progress changes.

It is hard sometimes not to wonder when will it all end and how can we keep up with so many career revisions. Well whether it is change and revisions to fill an area of lack, or whether it is making revisions for an area growth, there is always change.

Some are go with the flow type people who adjust easily to change, and others need a lot of structure in place to adjust to change. But realistically we see both times emerge, where we are called to just step in and go with the flow, and other times when we are called to define and structure changes. It is never just one way. The key is keeping the right attitude and that requires flexibility and seizing the opportunity for change. None of us can stay in the same place we are today, change always happens and if not it would kill our career.

As we seek to adjust to the world around us, one thing never changes. Jesus is constant. He does not give us one rule today and eradicate it tomorrow. He never loves us one week and hates us the next, nor does He love us only when we are good and hates us when we are bad. Your relationship with Jesus is not like being on Santa’s naughty or nice list. He will not disappoint or leave or forsake you. Jesus says what He means and means what He says. We should read what He says and discover His truth and it will change our heart and attitude for the better.

So when work is up in the air, grab onto Jesus. He is our root system, firm and planted in truth. He does not waiver. He is a foundation that can’t be shaken by change. For He is the Rock of Revelation we base our whole lives on. He is the Christ born for you and me, the Son of God who came in the flesh to save us and mature us by His word therefore building His glorious Church.

Lord, help us to plant both feet on your word even when the rest of our life is being re-arranged. I’m glad you never change.

Chaplain Judy   

November 28th – Living the Generous Life

God is generous and giving. You are blessed by His generosity and you are blessed according to your generosity. Paul wrote to the Corinthians urging them to help Christians suffering in Jerusalem by giving generously. Here are 3 things we learn from Paul about what it looks like to live a generous life.

1. How we give matters. “ Give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Life happens, and we all face financial hardship at some point. So it’s not always easy to give with a cheerful heart. How can we give in the midst of our own struggles? We must remember that everything we have comes from God and we get to steward it. When we shift our mindset from “my resources” to “God’s resources,” we realize that God gave those resources and He is faithful to gives us more. When we release those resources with an open hand and cheerful heart to bless others it positions us for overflow.

2. God equips us for what He calls us to. “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Are you trusting God with everything He’s given you? When we choose to live generously, we are surrendering our desires, admitting that we have nothing without Him and we are fully reliant on God’s provision. You don’t need to have a lot to give. You just have to be faithful with what God has given you. Giving is an act of surrender and complete faith that God will provide. We live this life by faith not by sight. We expect what we can’t see, but believe what’s true according to the character of God and His word.

3. Giving is an expression of thanksgiving. “These acts of generosity not only supply the needs of the Lord’s people but it is an overflow of expressions of thanks to God.” 2 Cor 9:12

Generosity is more than a gift to others. It’s a reflection of your heart and the transformation you have experienced through the Gospel. God doesn’t want us to give generously because we have to, but because it is our desire to help others and glorify Him. Jesus is the perfect example of generosity for He gave His life that we could be saved. We are called to be generous in our giving, our service, and the gifts he has given us. What is God asking you to do? Father, teach us to live a life of generosity toward others.

Chaplain Judy   

November 21st – Benefits of Thankfulness

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication (asking with intense conviction, earnestly, seriously, yet humbly) with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Most of us recognize it is good to stop and smell the roses and acknowledge all that we can be thankful for.

Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Did you know that even science proves that thankfulness actually changes the brain and body for the better and thankfulness has a direct connection to success? Thankfulness affects our bodies, increases our longevity, enables us to use our imagination for positive thinking, and increases our ability to solve problems. God designed us, so He knows the positive results thankfulness has on our mind, soul, body, and our Spirit. By thinking differently, we can live differently. Daily the Lord loads us with benefits. If daily we were doing His will by being thankful, these benefits would change our lives for the better. The scripture and science agree.

1.Thankfulness opens the door to more relationships. Saying “thank you” shows good manners and showing appreciation can help you make new friends.

2. Thankfulness improves physical health. Thankful people experience fewer aches and pains. Thankfulness finds joy in the midst of everything and that changes heart and emotional issues. Thankfulness reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. Thankfulness effectively reduces depression and increases joy, which is the best heart medicine.

3. Thankfulness reduces aggression, increases understanding and develops longsuffering toward others who behave unkindly.

4. Thankful people sleep better. Phil 4:6 we are not anxious or fearful but humble, for God is aware of our request so we can come to Him in thanksgiving.

5. Thankfulness reduces social comparisons that can make us resentful toward people who have more money, more friends and relationships, or better jobs. But thankful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments. Without comparison we can recognize who we are called to be and posses healthy self-esteem.

6. Thankfulness reduces stress and helps us overcome trauma, by recognizing all that you have to be thankful for even during the worst times.

We all have the ability and opportunity to cultivate thankfulness. Rather than complain about the things you think you deserve, take a few moments to focus on all that you have. Make it a goal to declare three things you are thankful for daily.

Prayer: Lord, You tell us to give thanks in all things for this is your will for us. Help me develop a mindset of thankfulness. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Chaplain Judy   

November 15th – Are You a Dead Duck?

Psalms 118:17 I will not die, but live, and I will proclaim what the Lord has done.

A farmer and his friend went duck hunting. Eventually, they got to talking about the things of God, as they always would. “You’re always talking about these battles you have with the devil,” the farmer’s friend said to him. “It’s so silly – I mean, I’m not even a Christian and I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

“Yes my friend,” the wise farmer answered, “but if you shot two ducks and one was wounded and one was dead — which would you go after first?” “Well,” he said, “I guess I’d go after the wounded duck – I can always get the dead one later.”

“Mmm-hmm,” said the farmer, “The devil knows you’re a dead duck.”

For those of us who are walking with the Lord today, be encouraged! Our enemy knows that we have potential to do great things for God, and out of fear, our enemy will try anything to take us out. This is so very evident by the constant battle we all face.

We may have gotten wounded but we are still alive and we belong to the one who is able to heal every wound. The devil might even manage to slow us down sometimes. Let’s remember we are called to run a race, if we are going to run well we have to set aside every temptation, sin, or any negative emotion the enemy would use to get us to quit the race. Take off every heavy garment that weighs you down, and give your heavy burdens to the Lord. Jesus is the lifter of our head, and will not put more on us then we can handle. You are stronger than you know in Christ Jesus, when you use the power of His word and the weapons of your warfare to fight against the enemy.

He is so afraid that you will realize what you have and put it to use against him. So he is persistently trying to stop you!

Let’s stand strong against the devil today! And rise up to the Lord’s calling upon our lives! We will fight and we will WIN! Because if God is for us, who can be against us?! And you know it — there’s still SO much work to be done in God’s kingdom. Persistence will pay off!

Chaplain Judy  

November 9th – What’s That Noise

I Corinthians 13 – If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not [a] love [a love for others that has grown out of God’s love for me], then I have become only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal [just an annoying distraction].

One thing that irritates me is to go to a restaurant with friends hoping to have a great visit and good conversation, but the music is so loud you can’t hear anything but noisy music. I have never understood the benefit of this loud clanging music in a nice restaurant even if the music maybe coming from talented people. It’s a noise that doesn’t mean anything and sometimes you just want to get out of there.

You maybe the most talented person on the job for your job description, but if you are not gracious too, you may just sound like noise to people around you. Who can stand to be around someone who toots his own horn or clangs his own symbol. Then others can’t wait to get away from the sound!

Obnoxiousness, rudeness, or putting oneself above another is not part of the Christian’s job description. Yet when we have faith and are gracious and love others, our speech will express it and our actions will follow. When we do well in our work, thank God for the gifts He’s given you that allow you to serve Him well, and you will walk in Humility, surrendering to His ways. Then, likewise, be grateful for the particular gifts of others who work with you. Kindness in speech and actions is what our heavenly Father is listening to hear expressed from His children, not brassiness, rudeness, or cutting words or actions. What’s the noise coming out of us?

No matter how gifted or skillful a person is, if they are full of themselves there is no room to give God the glory. So may we all have charity (love) on our job, with our families, and for those we have opportunity to minister to. Then we won’t just be noise we will shed the light of Jesus’ love.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the abilities that allow me to do my job well, I know they come from you, and I want to avoid pride and express the goodness of God through my words and my actions to others.

Chaplain Judy  

October 31 – No Parking Zone

Revelation 12:2 For the accuser of our brothers who accuses them before our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

Why do people receive God’s forgiveness but continue to live under the shadow of their failures? Some park themselves in the place of yesterday’s bad decisions because they think it helps them walk in humility. While others have a wall of resistance built by remembering how bad they were. Resisting the love of God through forgiveness is actually a subtle form of pride. If we continue to back away from the Father because we have given place to guilt and shame, then we give into the oldest temptation in the Bible. It is the temptation of questioning our identity and God’s identity.

The majority of time in counseling people is focused on helping them to stop questioning what God has said and stop questioning who they are in Christ. Even Moses ask God “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt” (Gen 3: 11)

God appeared to ignore the question by answering I will certainly be with you (Gen 3:12)

Who are you? You are the person God has chosen to be with. Because He is with you, you can walk in freedom and fulfill the assignment He gives you. Born of His Spirit and filled with His DNA, sons and daughters of God, His beloved. You are the one He has set free from quilt and condemnation. Don’t let the accuser pull you back into that place of shame and un-worthiness. God has put up a no parking sign there. Remind yourself there is therefore not condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Condemnation is a no parking zone for the beloved believer in Christ so move on past it and keep moving forward. God will provide a close parking place, which is in His presence and close to His heart of grace. Park there, it’s reserved for you!

Chaplain Judy  

October 24 – Called to Be Different

Jesus calls us to be different from the world.

Does it seem strange that He calls us out of the world yet leaves us in the world? It is for a greater purpose, for Jesus said we are the Light of the World. Matt 5:14. He has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light, now we walk in the light. When we walk in the light, our path is illuminated so we can see. I have a night light in my bathroom that only comes on when it is dark, so when I get up I won’t stumble in the dark. God gives us light so we don’t stumble and we can see clearly to keep moving forward. Light wont really help you when you are trying to go backwards, because you can’t see behind you even when the light is around you. The danger of trying to look back is that if we keep looking back, sooner or later we will find a way to go back regardless of the consequences.

Phillipians 3:13-14 I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward unto those which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We are different we are called out, a royal priesthood, a Holy Nation, a peculiar people. Called to walk in the light but to also let the light shine through us that others might see Jesus and come out of darkness.

He is calling us to be different!

He calls us to understand when we are misunderstood, to love when we are hated, to freely give all that we have received. He calls us to be courageous when fear surrounds us, to speak out when others are silent, and to trust God’s ways instead of the world’s ways. How is He calling you to be different today?

It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.—2 John 4

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I praise You and thank you for giving me the opportunity to live a life of truth, and the power to live a life that stands out from the world, a life that will reveal the Father to those around me. I want to live like you today in light of the difference You have made in my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.

Chaplain Judy  

October 10 – A Powerful Example

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your favor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 1:3

We all know the Christian life is no piece of cake. Paul is telling the Thessalonians that he will always remember them for the energy they expended on their work, how they had faith, and showed favor to Paul because their labor was prompted by love, they endured through hardships because their hope was in the Lord Jesus Christ. The entire church was facing persecutions just as Paul did when he came there to preach the gospel.

Their efforts were not in vain and Paul used them as an example to model to other congregations. Their reaction to trials was a testimony to how Christians should respond in troubles. (Verse 7-10) This scripture states they became a model to all believers, and their faith in God became known everywhere. How they had turned from idols to serve the living and true God, and stood in hope, believing His Son Jesus would rescue them from the coming wrath.

Are you are working diligently, laboring, and enduring, yet at times it seems it is getting you nowhere? Don’t give up! Ask the Father to produce fruit in your life by your faith and trust in Him. Show favor to others that is prompted by the love of God in you! Ask the Lord to inspire you with hope to continue to endure. You can be that good testimony in the workplace that you may become an example for others. Then the Lord will lift you up at the right time and use your example in a powerful way.

Declaration: Lord, I want my effort to be of benefit to you. Keep me faithful all the way.

Chaplain Judy  

October 3 – God Sees

I SAMUEL 16:11

11 Then he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?”

Jesse answered, “I still have the youngest son. He is out taking care of the sheep.”

Samuel said, “Send for him. We will not sit down to eat until he arrives.”

12 So Jesse sent and had his youngest son brought in. He was a fine boy, tanned and handsome. The LORD said to Samuel, “Go, anoint him, he is the one.”

None of us like to be forgotten or thought of as unimportant. We want people to respect our ideas or even seek them out. If there is an award or a promotion to be handed out, we may like to be considered for it.

This was a time when even King David was forgotten. David was out of the way with his lowly job of watching sheep. When the Prophet Samuel ask Jesse to see his sons, the father forgot his youngest son. Thinking who would imagine him as a king. No one in the family, not even his own father, saw the promise of leadership in David.

David had killed the lion, the bear and the giant, and he knew how to take care of and lead the sheep but still his potential was not recognized. Samuel knew what God was looking for, and He anointed David who became a successful warrior and ruler.

Just because others don’t see your talents and the promise in you, don’t give up. God sees when others are blinded and tend to judge things on the outward appearance. God’s wonderful promise-filled future does not rely on others ideas of your value, even if the whole world forgets or ignores you. Jesus doesn’t.

Prayer for us: Lord, thank you for remembering me when others forget. Lord help me to continue the call even if others don’t respect the anointing or recognize my leadership abilities. I know you are the one who leads me, calls me, and anoints me.

It is for your glory and in willing obedience that I respond, here I am send me.

Chaplain Judy  

September 28 – What’s Next

Genesis 7:16 – And they that went in went in male and female of all flesh as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in. Then the door closed on Noah and his family.

Can you imagine the doubt and uncertainty that must have filled their minds? They had never see rain and certainly never experienced a flood. Noah was preaching and warning of something he never saw in the natural, but He heard God speak to him. He did it by faith in God, building the ark by God’s instruction and for 100 years he preached repentance. No one responded , can you imagine having an altar call for a 100 years and nobody respond, I am sure I would have begin to question myself, and probably question God.

But now they are closed in with their family and the animals and are sheltered by God, who made a way of escape for them. And soon they were floating on the water, but before them lay a lot of unknowns. All they knew for sure was God had saved them. God had a plan in this but they hardly knew what it was. They could only imagine what it would be like when that door opened. A new way they had never walked into before. After all what would their new world be like? Where would they end up? How would they live? There were so many uncertainties.

We too face unknowns. How will the new job work out? Will we like our co-workers? What will our leaders ask us to do today, next week, next year? Will God send the volunteers, the clients, and will we secure the financial support?

We can keep wondering and over thinking until will are tied up with what ifs and doubts. Or we can pray, believe, and declare His word accepting that He is here to guide us in our mission, and have to get on board with the Kingdom work. We can trust that God has saved us for a purpose, and called us to do our part, living it out by faith day to day.

Be assured God has a plan. Picture your eyes as being like a camera keep the lens clean so you can see clearly, hold on and steady yourself, keep your camera in focus on Jesus, and the picture will come out a whole lot better. You can face the uncertainties when God is with you.

Chaplain Judy  

September 19 – Whose Report Will You Believe

Numbers 13:31-33 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” 32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored.

Have you ever gone to a meeting and heard two people’s response to what went on? Amazing how different their takes on it were, right?

People can be in the same place, see the same things, listen to the same words and yet still not be able to agree on what was said. Maybe that is what happened here. Faithful Caleb and Joshua went up to Canaan and saw the lovely place God had promised to lead them to. The doubting spies saw only huge giant people who were so much bigger than them and dangerous. Those who brought back the bad negative report ignored the riches of the land and only saw the inhabitants. Fear overcame faith, and unbelief overcame belief. So they reported out of their feelings and God called that an evil report. Consider how you perceive things, do you often overlook the good because you are focusing on the bad?

When you hear differing reports, remember that people bring fear or faith into the workplace and see things in light of themselves. You can’t change their reports but you can decide which will influence yours, fear or faith. Don’t let insecurities defeat you, or inadequate feelings stop you like the spies who saw themselves as grasshoppers. You decide whose report you will believe. God’s promise was to give them that land, so it was already destined for them to take it. God is bigger than any giant you face and He is faithful to fulfill His promises. So don’t change His report because of your feelings, or what you perceive you saw or heard. Don’t let the enemy get in your head causing false assumptions, but stand on what the Lord says and have faith for He is able.

Keep asking the Lord to help your report to be a faithful one.

Chaplain Judy  

September 12 – Spirit of Prayer

I Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. 18. In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19. Quench not the Spirit.

How can I pray all the time? You might be thinking after all, I have to work.

Obviously you can’t pray twenty-four hours a day because you also need some sleep. This scripture is reminding us of the importance of prayer and how we should never stop praying about things. Verse 18 says giving thanks for this is the will of God for you and verse 19 tells us to not quench the Spirit.

1. Take time to pray about things, find a way even in all of your busyness and your work.

2. Thank God for answered prayers, but even more thank Him when you pray, for it’s His will that you have confidence in Him expecting Him to answer.

3. Don’t quench the Spirit by not praying about things. Prayer gives the Holy Spirit an opportunity to move in your life.

4. When you have this kind of attitude about prayer you are PRACTICING THE PRESENCE OF GOD.

Besides praying for your needs and your family, you can engage in regular prayer for this ministry and your co-workers. Remember them in your quiet time or when you are doing one of those dull, mundane chores your job requires. Lift up those you labor with and ask God to give them wisdom leading them in the right direction for their decision making, ask the Holy Spirit to encourage them through trials. You may not have much time to pray on the job, but God responds to quick prayers of intercession. Be mindful, you could pray when you are waiting for a meeting, walking to an office, or holding on the phone. If you think about it you will probably realize you have more opportunities than you perceived. Soon you will find that even when you are not praying, the spirit of prayer sticks with you twenty four hours a day!

I pray for us all that the Lord will keep us in prayer as often as we can be. And don’t let us forget our quiet time with Him.

Chaplain Judy  

September 6 – Celebrating Labor

Psalm 104:23 Then people go out to their work, to their labor until evening.

We put a lot of effort into our jobs. Whether we are working behind the scene or out front in the public, your job is an important piece of the success of this ministry. You are an important part of this ministry and have this job because someone needs what you do. We serve a purpose as we serve other people. Without our work many lives would be destroyed, and many families would not have hope, help, and a plan for the future. Together we make a difference in our community and in the world.

We may enjoy serving others and like to go to work each morning. But no matter how we feel about working we all appreciate a day off, one that says to each of us, “Job well done!” Everyone should get some appreciation and praise one day a year, and hopefully more than that.

So when Labor Day comes, even if no one has said you’ve done a good job. I want to remind you how important you are and how much the Lord loves and sees your compassion to serve. You do a worthwhile job that is important to this ministry. So accept the compliment for a job well done!

I give praise to God for the job He gave me and desire to do well in it. We all appreciate the praise. God appreciates and loves our praise, so praise Him today that you are able to do your job well.

Hope you had a Happy Labor Day!

Chaplain Judy  

August 29 – Good Speaks Louder

For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 1 Peter 2:15

Even when you hold your tongue and speak wisely, you will still have a few people who don’t return the favor. Once in a while, you will hear that someone slandered you, doubted you, or misunderstood your reasoning. If you respond in haste you may want to react in the same manner.

Whether the issue is your faith or your work performance, just take a deep breath, bite your tongue, and deal with the problem peaceably. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you cast these words out of you mind and heart. Trust Him to fill your mouth with a Godly response. Do all you can, not to fire up the situation with harsh words or deeds. Instead, return kindness for evil and faith for doubt. I am not saying it’s easy but the Holy Spirit will help us control our emotions instead of being controlled by our emotions. Do the best you can in the situation.

By answering responsibly or even by ignoring a small meaningless wrong, you’ll gain the respect of your boss and coworkers. Then, believe it or not, the talkers will fall silent because they realize their misdeeds are getting them nowhere. As the scripture says the wrong will turn to right, and ill intentions will eventually be exposed as your good deeds silence the foolish ones.

Prayer: Lord, I want to see your good triumph in my life in every situation. Help me to follow your will and do my part by holding my tongue when I need to.

Chaplain Judy  

August 24 – God is Moving Through You

For in Him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts17:28

If you were to ask whether it is better to be proud or humble, of course most people would say humble, since we have be taught pride is a sin. But if we think being humble means we are to disvalue or degrade ourselves or settle for less, we have the wrong definition of humility.

Humility is remaining teachable in all situations, knowing God is so much greater and we have much to learn. Humility comes when we realize God loves us as we are and He is patient as we strive to become like Him in character, word, and deed.

Joy is accepting yourself as you are and that even in your imperfections you are valuable and a worthwhile person changing and growing in Christ. Liking yourself is important. Taking pride in your accomplishments and enjoying the unique person you are is not necessarily egotistical. We should be excited and joyful believing we deserve the very best in life.

If you had a victory today, if you pressed in for the prize and you did the right thing, and moved beyond yourself extending an act of love and charity to someone else, rejoice in it and give God the glory for the opportunity. Delight in your awareness that the Lord is moving in your life and through your life.

To delight in the Lord’s work isn’t pride. It is a form of praise to your Father, who is proud of you any time you succeed according to His principles and plan for your life.

All glory goes to Him and because of Him you can live and move forward and succeed.

Chaplain Judy  

August 15 – Too Blessed to Be Stressed

When life gets overwhelming, we tend to forget the blessings in our life. With the kid’s ten different extracurricular activities, marriage or relationship problems, and juggling our finances it can be difficult not to be incredibly stressed out. The last thing on our minds is feeling blessed when we have 5 minutes to get to our next meeting.

However, when we let this stress rule over our lives we forget to appreciate the small things. We might forget to say thank you to a co-worker who went above and beyond. Most of all don’t forget to take time communicating with God. Don’t allow stress to rob you of gratefulness and appreciation for the blessings in your life. Keep your focus on what really matters in life and think of ways you can be more thankful and you will be blessed instead of stressed.

“Let your love, God, shape my life.” Psalm 119:41

Have you taken the time to tell others you are close to, or even those you work with how special they are to you? Perhaps today you should let God’s love shape your day and you will see the difference. We go about our lives and sometimes get wrapped up in all the craziness around us. Then we forget to tell the ones we love and those who truly make a difference in our life how important they are. Show thankfulness for the small things such as your spouse packing the lunches for the kids, or your children who did a chore at home without being asked, or maybe even a co-worker who stepped up and helped you accomplish something that had a deadline you had difficulty meeting. Make sure to thank not only them, but thank God for putting them in your life. Show appreciation to that special someone, everyone likes to be appreciated.

Confirming words of appreciation and letting others know they are making a difference will build teamwork and a good attitude in all.

Be the one who leads by example and sow good words into someone else’s life and it will come back to you. What you sow you will reap! You will be blessed and not stressed as you release good, positive words over your stressful situation. Positivity will overcome negativity and you will see positive fruit produced. Proverbs 18:21 says that life and death are in the power of the tongue.

Chaplain Judy  

August 8 – Sleep and Rest

My sleep had been pleasant to me… (Jeremiah 31:26)

It is virtually impossible to sleep at night if you are wound up. Most times it is because we don’t get into a calming state and set our mind on the Lord allowing His word to put us in a state of perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3 He will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because you trust in Him.

Do memories of the day’s events keep you from falling asleep? Maybe you feel you spent the day trying to push a boulder up a mountain with a small stick. Think on this and declare it when you lie down to sleep, in fact even better memorize these scriptures.

Psalm 121:1,2 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Are you worried about making mistakes, disappointing your boss, or letting your family down? Memorize this word.

Psalm 121:3,4 He will not let your foot slip, He who watches over you, He will not slumber, indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep .

Does anxiety sometimes get the best of you, causing you to fear failure, or fear man, even fear for your own safety or health? Memorize the Word!

The Lord watches over you.. The Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night. Psalm 121:5,6

Are you starting to agonize over next month’s deadline, next year’s taxes, or college tuition, or maybe you are wondering how you could ever retire and make it. Are you taking all these wonderings to bed with you? Then when your head hits the pillow at night you will be pressed for sleep and stirred up. So memorize and declare this scripture!

The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life, He will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7,8

Now you have just memorized an entire psalm! Repeat it out loud every night. Change the your to my and the you to me. Then rest in knowing that God is watching over you and He’s got this for your life and the universe are under His control.

Chaplain Judy  

August 1 – Praising God

We have so much to praise God for, there’s great power in giving honor to Him. Many of you live that truth out daily by giving Praise to God. We see in His word stories where His power is released with life changing miracles, and the enemy is being defeated in the lives of His children.

Yet often the daily struggles of life’s demands can crowd out our praise to God. We might go to Church and sing words, listen to the sermon then we go home and somehow think we’re good for the week, but our souls are distant and cold.

Sometimes it really is a sacrifice to offer praise because we may not feel like it. We’re struggling. We’re weary. Or maybe, we feel like God let us down. We think God seems distant, far away, or doesn’t really care about what’s troubling us.

Here’s what can make a lasting difference. When we make that decision to fix our eyes on Him, and daily give Him praise, in the midst of our struggles we realize that God has already begun to release the stress those struggles have over us.

In your praise, acknowledge He is worthy and has all power above all else. Then His Spirit urges us onward, to press in close to Him. Thank God it doesn’t matter how good or “not so good” we sing, and it doesn’t matter if we like upbeat worship, reflective songs, or traditional hymns. Doesn’t matter if we’re alone, with a few, or in a big group. What matters is our heart is tuned into God our creator and King

What the Power of Praise Can Do – 8 Things:

1. Praise gets our focus off ourselves and back on God. In our often self-focused world, we must remember life is not all about us, don’t be prone to selfishness.

“And my tongue shall speak of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.” Psa. 35:28

2. Praise brings us to a place of humility remembering our dependency is on God. Recognize your need for Him and that we’re not in control, He is. “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

3. Praise makes the enemy flee. It pushes back the darkness and blocks the attacks of deception over us. In the story of Jehoshaphat, we see God miraculously defeat the enemy, because of the people’s obedience to praise Him. “As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against their enemies who were invading Judah, and they were defeated”

4. Praise leaves no room for complaining and negativity. Don’t make your prayers complaints about your problems.. God knows our hearts. And He cares about all what concerns us. “ forget not all his benefits, who forgives all our sins, heals all your diseases. redeems our life from the pit, crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.” Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to GOD this is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

5. Praise makes room for God’s blessings over our lives. He will not hold back His goodness, praise opens the gateway of blessing “Enter his gates

with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him Psa.100:4

6. Praise invites His presence. God dwells close to us when we praise Him. He lives there and looks for it. He inhabits the praises of His people.

7. We’re strengthened by His peace and refueled by His joy through a heart of praise in His presence we find that God doesn’t just change our situations working though our problems, He changes our hearts.

“In His presence, there is fullness of joy.” Psa. 16:11

8. Praise paves the way for God’s power to be displayed and miracles happen. God shakes things up through praise. He did for Paul and Silas as they sat in prison, shackled, and chained, yet praising God. And God sent an earthquake, shook the cells and broke the chains. The jailer and all his family came to know Christ that very night. Acts 16:25-26

We have a choice every day in this life. To live absorbed in worry and stress, in the fast lane, focused only on what surrounds us. Or, we can take our eyes off all our problems and mess and stop listening or the voices of others. Choose to look up to Him who holds it all together, and who holds us in His hands. God longs for us to know the power of His presence and His desire to bless us more than we could imagine. May He help us to look up…open our mouths…and sing.

Dear God,

We praise you today with our hearts and songs, praise to you for your faithfulness, power and love. We confess our need for you, release us from worry and fear, and let us know you care and will never leave or forsake us. Thank you for your presence and that you breathe joy, strength and renewal right into our soul. Father fill us with your Spirit and draw us close to you. Lord work your purposes through us, as we set our eyes on you.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Chaplain Judy  

July 25 – Moments

A moment of panic is overturned by a moment of his presence.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19

I had a “moment” the other day. I bet you’ve had your share of “moments” too.

So, what are these “moments” anyway? I’m talking about moments when our faith seems to temporarily fly out the window. We feel exasperated, disoriented, and completely overwhelmed. These moments don’t just hit us out of nowhere, but usually result from stress that has been escalating under the surface.

Maybe we can find comfort in knowing that even the inspired writers of the scripture were not exempt from these feelings of anxiousness. But they were people just like us.

The writer of Psalm 94 is reflecting on such a “moment” in his own life. He writes, “anxiety was great within me,” and “my feet had almost slipped” (Psalm 94:19,18). This man was suffering from a multitude of anxious thoughts swirling around in his mind. He was so distraught that he could hardly stand. Hanging on by a thread, he shares how desperate the situation was, “I would’ve soon dwelt in the silence of death” (vs 17). He didn’t think he would make it.

So what triggered his life-threatening “moment?” Looking at the entire Psalm, we see two main issues:

• Watching the wicked oppress the righteous (verses 3-6)

• Living under corrupt leadership (verse 20)

Much like today, the psalmist lived in a world filled with evil, injustice, and even crooked governments. He was overwhelmed, not only by the mere existence of wickedness, but by the fact that wickedness seemed to be winning. This is very troubling to people right now, just like it was the psalmist because it looked as if God wasn’t doing anything about it.

He cries out a familiar refrain, “how long, how long, O Lord, will the wicked be jubilant?” (verse 3). He pleads with the Lord to “rise up” and take action! (verse 1)

I wonder if you’ve prayed a similar prayer. I wonder if you’ve felt similar feelings. If you’ve been so bothered, frustrated, and heartbroken by the state of our world that you’ve been afflicted by anxiety and pushed to your breaking point.

Don’t lose hope just because you are not seeing what you were expecting God to do. God has a plan and many times He is working behind the scenes. He does not let us in on the whole plan. We have to trust Him and walk by faith not by sight. We have to choose to listen to His report, not the report of the world or the wicked that are speaking words of fear to control and manipulate people. These reports coming across our airways are causing people to panic, and to be in a state of fear where they can be controlled.

Take heart. In the middle of our “moments,” there is something we can do.

It all boils down to how we respond. Whose report will you believe, you have a choice, you can react in the flesh or respond in the Spirit.

Choose where you will run when anxiety kicks in – we can run toward God or away from Him. Running toward God has a way of re-setting and calming our souls. The Lord is our High tower and His ways are higher than our ways. He is our hiding place, our refuge, and our strength.

The psalmist runs towards God, “the Rock in whom he takes refuge.” (verse 22)

Now watch what happens! He experiences the “consolations” of the Lord (verse 19). This word is used to describe the comfort that an infant feels in the presence of his/her mother. What a beautiful picture! God has you wrapped up in His loving arms.

Like a helpless child, soothed and “supported” by the steadfast love of God, the same love that would one day be perfectly and completely manifested in Jesus Christ (Psalm 94:18, Romans 8:35-38).

While the wickedness in the world didn’t magically disappear, the psalmist emerged to face it again with renewed strength, perspective, and joy.

Here’s the hope for us today: If the psalmist can survive one of his “moments,” we can too.

We can come like a child, crawl into our Father’s lap, and find rest for our souls in our relationship with Him. Instead of a panic moment, take a moment and invite His presence to come in.

What better moment could we possibly ask for?

Chaplain Judy  

July 11 – Integrity in Relationships

“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment and cause it to give off a foul odor; So, does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor.” Ecclesiastes 10:1

A Christian’s integrity is paramount. Continually failing to do the right thing will tarnish a good reputation. No matter how you try to conceal your actions, foolish behavior will always come to light. This devotional reflects on the importance of protecting your integrity.

Character and Reputation

This scripture provides an insightful description of what can happen to a excellent reputation. The expensive perfume releases a pleasant odor with a reputation respected for wisdom and honor. In both cases, dead flies and folly are like contaminants that can spoil and ruin otherwise excellent items. Just as perfume stinks when infected with dead insects, foolish behavior tarnishes a person’s character and integrity.

We must take protective measures to guard our reputation.

A good reputation begins and ends with God. We learn how to enhance our reputation of honor by acting out the truths in His Word. Godly integrity helps you deal fairly with others and guides you when decision making is difficult. Integrity remains steadfast and honorable in spite of tests or challenges you may face.

You guard your reputation by taking responsibility for your behavior. Honestly examine your actions before you rush to defend them; then take ownership and accept the consequences. When you make mistakes, own up to them and face the aftermath.

As you live with integrity, people will notice that you can be trusted. Keep your promises no matter the personal cost and watch out for behavior that may damage your reputation.

In Solomon 2:15 it states: catch the foxes, because it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. This chapter is talking about a love relationship and that all potential threats to a relationship must be removed. The foxes are little and it is the little things that are overlooked that often spoil things of value. Maintaining good relationships takes work. As we pay attention to little things that need to be corrected or removed, we will build stronger, more intimate relationships in marriage, and strengthen and guard our relationships with others.

Chaplain Judy  

June 29 – Trust in the Lord

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

If the future feels uncertain right now and worry keeps occupying too much room in your heart or in your mind, remember this: God is already in all of our tomorrows. He knows our way, and He has a plan. And we can be assured it’s always the best one for us. He does not send us down crooked paths or throw detours in front of us to distract us from His ways. His ways are higher than ours and they are straight to lead us into His perfect will.

God never asks us to figure it all out on our own. He just asks us to trust Him, to recognize His leadership and sovereignty in our lives. And He promises to make our pathways straight. We must choose to follow His path.

– Trust (be confident in, be bold, be secure) and release control!

– Trust in the Lord with all your heart (the seat of emotions, inclinations, mind, soul). Give over your emotions to God and try to respond by the Spirit, not react in the flesh. Trust the Lord to inspire your ideas, and inquire of Him seeking to know if this is Him . Every idea and thought that pops into our head is not of God. Sometimes we struggle with trust because we entertain thoughts that we should have taken captive over, and then we react with words, expression, fear and our speech or actions do not come out of our spirit in love.

– and do not lean (trust, support), don’t waiver with a double standard don’t trust God with one thing, but in other areas still trust only yourself.

– stop trusting in your own understanding (discernment). Feelings, emotions, and thoughts can be fickle. We need to check them with the Word and examine ourself. Sometimes repeated wrong reactions or behaviors come from an offense, control issue, a wounded spirit, or even trust issues involving others in our past and this can affect us trusting God.

– In all your ways acknowledge Him (know, recognize), thank Him that you can know His ways, His character, and that He does not act out of character. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

– and He will make your paths straight (pleasing, right, smooth). Proverbs 3:5-6

We may not always see what’s ahead, but He does. There’s great power in trusting Him. For it clears the way for our security to be based solely on Him, not on our circumstances or other people, not on ourselves, or our own ways of thinking.

He is faithful to lead us and He sees the big picture. He brings clarity and light through foggy times. He knows what’s around the other side of the bend where we can’t fully see. His timing is perfect even when we start to feel like we’ve been forgotten. No matter how we feel or what our current situation may be, we can be confident that God’s Presence will go before us, paving out pathways, guiding and guarding our steps.

Keep choosing trust. Let go of worry, hold on to Him. What do you need to trust God with today? Ask Him to help you guard and protect your heart from worry or trying to figure out everything on our own. Pray for His Spirit to fill you afresh and give you wisdom to hold on to His Truth. 2 Corinthians 5:7, Psalm 32:8, James 1:5

Chaplain Judy 

June 6 – Pentecost

Pentecost is the Greek name of the Hebrew Feast of Weeks — Shavuot. Shavuot was the holy day of reaping of the summer harvest. It was the feast of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit fell, the disciples spoke in tongues, and three thousand came to the Lord. Acts 2:42 “They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Shavuot or Pentecost wasn’t just an experience, it was real. And something real has to become a part of daily life.

If you want to have a victorious and joyful walk and life, you need to learn how to become good at daily life. Bring the power of God from the holy day of Shavuot/ Pentecost into your everyday life – and every day of your life will become a holy day.

Whatever you do, even if mundane, do in the anointing, the flowing, and the power of the Spirit. Acts 2:8 says when the Holy Spirit comes upon you then you shall receive power, and you will be messengers even to the remotest places on earth. What kind of messenger will you be? Hebrews1:7 He makes His angels winds, His servants Flames of Fire.” This wind that angels carry is, (ruwach – Wind, breath of heaven), and his servants are ministers/messengers/ambassadors, as flames of (Supernatural) fire.

When we have fire within we have the warmth and emotion to spread the fire and love of Christ. This is the key to evangelism, because one loving spirit sets another on fire. Fire is contagious and it spreads. Drop a match in a forest and thousands of acres can go up in flames. Drop an ice cube and only one square inch gets chilled. That is the difference between a fire filled Christian and one who has quenched the Spirit. The cold Christian can never be a soul winner.

Both wind and fire were present in the upper room at Pentecost. Heaven opened and God poured out His spirit upon all flesh. The Spirit of God of God will blow on your fire and rekindle it if you want to be fired up. Isaiah 30:27 says the Lords tongue is like a HOT PERPETUAL fire and the breath of God blew like a wind of firey breath coming down from heaven and touched His Disciples.

We need the fire to carry out our vision for the fire of God’s spirit will purify and burn up everything that would interfere with the progress of our destiny.

We must keep on burning for due season is coming, so don’t let the devil or circumstances or words, or people put your fire out. Pentecost is about the birthing of the Church with power, fire and boldness of the Holy Spirit. Do we dare to step up and exercise this power Church? Do we dare to be as bold as a lion like Peter was when the preached to those he had been hiding from, because they crucified the Lord. We have a voice that must be released in this hour so others might come to know Christ, and be set free. Peter did not mince words He spoke truth and took a stand. Then 3,000 people saw a manifestation of fire and power upon His disciples, and their eyes were open and they came to Christ in repentance.

Don’t hide the light of your fire under a bushel, but let it shine the others may see it and come to know Christ. Receive the power of the Holy Spirit today, that you may speak with boldness, have the power to be an overcomer, and the joy and enthusiasm to live your daily life in Christ.

Chaplain Judy 

May 26, 2022 – Prayer

My focus has been on prayer this week. Praying is an act of obedience. When we pray, we are opening a line of communication with God. We should find comfort knowing when you pray, God is there with you and He is listening.  

 Prayer is How We Communicate with God 

Prayer is not just about asking for God’s blessings – though we are welcome to do so – but it is about communication with the living God. Without communication, relationships fall apart. So, too, our relationship with God suffers when we do not communicate with Him through prayer.  

Hebrews 4:15-16 reads, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” 

  • Be humble in prayer but come expecting the Lord to answer because He is daddy God who cares about us. He wants to hear from his Children as well as bless them. We don’t tell God what to do but we can speak His word and promises back to Him. He loves us to hide His word in our heart and speak it so we may not sin against Him, and we can feel confident He said He watches over His Word to perform it. So Speak it !   

Humility is a virtue God desires in us (Proverbs 11:2; 22:4; Micah 6:8; Ephesians 4:2; James 4:10). Prayer reminds us that we are not in control, but God is, thus keeping us from pride. 

  • ” … if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14 
  • Luke 18:9 Tells the story of how the Priest came to God in Prayer, the priest was exalting himself telling God he didn’t cheat or commit adultery etc., then puffed up he told God about all the good things he did, He came to the temple, he fasted, he gave His tithe. But  instead of praying and crying out to God He began comparing Himself to the tax collector and He was thanking God he was not like him. But the tax collector was over in a corner with his head bowed crying out to God for forgiveness , humbling himself in repentance and recognizing his need for God. Jesus ask which one left justified and forgiven, and the right answer was of course the tax collector, who humbled himself in repentance before God.  How we go to God is important. If we expect an answer to our prayers go to God in humility trusting in His goodness not ours.    

Prayer is the means God has ordained for some things to happen. Prayer, for instance, helps others know the love of Jesus. Prayer can clear human obstacles out of the way in order for God to work. Through prayer we gain experiences and we build testimonies that defeat the enemy who comes against us. The devil is defeated by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.  When our prayers are answered it can be a witness to others who doubt. Prayer not only strengthens our relationship with God, but when we pray with other believers, prayer also strengthens the bonds between fellow Christians 

 Be encouraged today that prayer is always available and nothing can keep us from approaching God in prayer except our own choices (Psm 139:7; Romans 8:38-39). Choose a life of prayer and you will witness the love and power of God work even more in your life! 

Chaplain Judy 

May 18, 2022 – Courage

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Courage is the “perfect sensibility of the measure of danger and a mental willingness to endure it.” General William T. Sherman’s quote

When faced with fear it is the presence of courage built up in you that keeps you from caving into fear, and crumbling under the pressure of life’s challenges.

When you sacrifice self-interest for the sake of something greater, you exercise your courage muscles. Just as your physical muscles reflect outwardly from the result of exercise, your courage will reflect outwardly when you exercise it. Bravery requires practice.

It’s not enough to see it in other people and admire it. You have to make daring, bold choices of your own. If you shrink in fear every time there’s a chance to share your faith and stand up for what’s right or face your sin, courage won’t get a chance to develop.

When you follow Christ you can be assured that you will be face opportunities to build courage. For young people it may be at school or socializing. If your children grow up seeing you courageous in your faith they will learn to stand in their faith and be courageous by watching you. We as adults are presented with opportunities to be courageous at work, with family, at the corner market, socializing and even at church — at some point, you’ll be faced with a choice. Your motivation to grow closer to God and mature in your faith will turn you away from cowardice and compromise. It will push you toward courage.

Courage and faith are intertwined. Heroes in the Bible are fueled by faith. When we believe God is able and have confidence in His promises it empowers us with boldness and courage. When Jesus told His disciples to “be of good cheer,” He challenged fear and summoned them to courage. He assured them that they were safe with Him, and His presence was constant.

The most convincing argument Jesus offers in support of courage is Himself. He was bold to speak what the Father spoke, He was righteous and not only walked in it but took a stand on the side of righteousness when confronted to compromise, and He was courageous all the way to the Cross.

Here are some examples of Jesus offering support and courage in Peter’s life:

· Jesus was there to pull him up when he sank into the sea (Matthew 14:22-33).

· When Peter brashly vowed his willingness to die with Jesus, He was there to warn him that a test of his faith was coming (Matthew 26:31-35).

· When he needed assurance and encouragement after denying Jesus, Christ was there to restore and motivate him (John 21).

· After Pentecost, Peter walked in the Spirit — healing, preaching and boldly confessing the power of Christ when threatened by those who opposed Him (Acts 3-4).

Courage is crucial in a Christian’s life. Today take a moment to evaluate your current supply of bravery and take practical steps to build up what you have. Step out by faith and practice being courageous and exercise the power of the Holy Spirit boldness in you. You can be confident the Lord is with you so do not be afraid! 

Chaplain Judy 

May 10, 2022 – Eyes Focused on Christ

In our fast-paced lives there are so many things that demand our attention so it is easy to get caught up in the daily grind, get distracted, and lose sight of our true purpose in life—the worship and love of God (see Matthew 22:37). In the Word we are reminded to run our race with our eyes focused on Christ: “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith” (Heb 12:1–2). How can we resist the lures of the world and keep our focus where it belongs, on Christ?

To focus is to direct one’s attention or concentrate on something. If we are focused on Christ, then He has our attention; we are concentrating on Him and His word; He occupies the forefront of our minds should be our focus.

Colossians 3:1–4 contains instruction to help us stay focused on Christ: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. We must consciously remove our focus from “earthly things” (verse 2), the reason is given: we have died to self, and Christ is our very life (verse 3). Helping us stay focused on Christ gives us hope that Jesus is coming again, and when we see Him we will know glory

Here are some practical ways for a born-again believer to stay focused on Christ:

  1. Commit to reading the Bible. When we are in the Word we are drawn to Christ. When we focus on the Word of God Jesus is brought more into focus in every area of our life. Before you read the Word ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and bring clarity to your understanding of the scripture. Then meditate on it, and it will keep you from sin, distraction and deception. Luke 24:44 and Hebrews 10:7).
  2. Develop your prayer life. If you want to know how to pray, read Jesus’ instructions to His disciples in Luke 11:1–13. As you speak to the Lord throughout your day, you will naturally be more focused on Him. Little things, big things—we can come to the Lord with any and all of our cares. The command is to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), to always be in an attitude and atmosphere of instant prayer. Cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you. You are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace, making your request known to God and you will find mercy in a time of trouble. We all go through times of trouble, perhaps you are there now. This is a powerful invitation for you to find mercy and release your troubles to Him, when you pray and talk to the Lord. Communication develops stronger more intimate relationships.
  3. Trust the Lord as your only protector: “My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare” (Psalm 25:15). We all face Spiritual dangers on a daily basis knowing this we will focus more on Christ, our one and only Savior, who alone has the power of deliverance.
  4. Recognize your need and that the Lord is the source of all good things: “Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he has mercy upon us” (Psalm 123:2, ESV). The world offers various means of obtaining love, joy, and peace, but they will disappoint you and will not stand through the trials. The believer understands love, joy, and peace (and other gifts) are the direct result of your relationship with Christ ( Galatians 5:22,23)

  5. Knowing the world as it is a sin-filled place of desperate need, the darker the world is to us and clearer the light of Christ will stand out. It’s not hard to focus on a light in a darkened room. Pay attention to the voice of the Lord for His sheep hear His voice.  His word is like a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19). Those who stay focused on Christ will find their perspective on worldly things changing.  Remember this hymn, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, / Look full in His wonderful face, / And the things of earth will grow strangely dim / In the light of His glory and grace.”

Father, help us to keep our eyes focused on Christ, His glory, and His love. Let us turn our eyes on Jesus who has destiny for our life and will help us, care for us, speak to us, and give us the peace and power to finish strong.

Chaplain Judy 

May 2, 2022 – Mother’s Day 

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

This Sunday is Mother’s day so I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of you moms, Happy Mother’s day.

I remember when my children were younger and so many times I struggled with my heart meditating on all the skills of being a good mom but how my skills seem to pale in comparison to those of other women I knew.  I worked lots of hours and felt very overextended and too tired to spend the quality time I wanted to spend  with them. I tried to keep a good balance but to often I was distracted. I wasn’t really trying to keep up with anyone because I had enough trouble keeping up with my own stuff. 

 As the Children grew older taking care of the kids, ministry, a job,  a home and a husband, with some personal health issues it seemed like I was running a marathon constantly.

My kids seemed fine and didn’t really notice my lack as much as I did. I definitely had to have an adjustment in my priorities. We were taught that ministry comes first but that’s not the right order. Put God first, then family and then ministry or your job. We took ownership of those mistakes and learned to minister to our children first that love developed a close and lasting relationship with them.  I know one of the best things we did as Parents was to spend time training our children up in the Lord, teaching them His ways and making those ways a priority in our home. We believed strongly in encouraging our Children to pursue God and their dreams having confidence in who they are in Christ who gives them favor and talents to succeed.

Yes we made mistakes, and maybe you can relate to my struggles.  Are you attempting to raise kids while juggling a job, household chores, kid’s activities and so on, then you know how hard it is to keep up at times. Nobody has the whole act together in this parenting thing it’s a process. But don’t let the enemy convince you that you can’t succeed, and don’t let him put shame on your shoulders like you will never be good enough. That’s a lie and you need to toss that shame to the curb. Sure you need to do your best but don’t stress when you come up short. No mother on the planet is perfect despite how her social media post appear. Every mom feels inadequate at times.  Look your situation in the eye and move forward with the confidence that God has got your back. 

Your prayers are effective in their lives, and the words you speak over your children are so powerful because you have Authority. Meditate on all the good things God is doing in their lives, even if you have to call things that you don’t see into being. Then rejoice, for the Proverbs 31 virtuous women smiles at her future! So Smile!

Father, I’m no supermom, and I’m tired of tying to look like one. Help me do my best, and take up the slack where my abilities leave off, I pray. When I’m not feeling well, give me strength. I’m trusting in you to help me raise my children in a way that is pleasing to you and brings honor to your name. Amen.

Chaplain Judy 

April 26, 2022 – The Battle for Perfection  

Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God. 2 Corinthians 3:5  

If you’ve ever seen the movie Mary Poppins, you know that Mary describes herself as “practically perfect in every way.”  But of course, no one is perfect not even Mary. We are all flawed and in need of Christ redemption.  

Have you ever thought about what you expect of yourself…..perfection? Are you a perfectionist? Are you harder on yourself than others are on you?  Do the demands you place on yourself seem impossible to meet? Do you work, work, work trying to reach goals that are simply unattainable or unsustainable?  

This is a heavy burden the Father never intended for you to carry!  Lay it aside for you can become your own worse enemy with feelings and thoughts that plague you. Like you never quite measure up, no matter how hard you try. In your mind what you do is good but it’s not quite good enough. Even when others affirm you, your thoughts tell you that you could have done better. So, you are left feeling you did not quite make the mark.  

Sound familiar? If so, you might be a perfectionist. That 95 scorecard should have been 100, the speech you gave could have been better, if you would have said no to the cheesecake and choose yogurt instead then you would not feel so guilty. So you beat yourself over the head again and again listening to shame defeat you and drive you to do more. You see others who seemingly have the perfect family having it all together, but you see failure in yourself.  Trying to be everything you think everyone expects of you like the perfect Mom or Dad, the perfect spouse, the perfect employee that’s a lot of false expectations. But what makes me feel like I am supposed to be perfect?  

Honestly this perfectionism stems from either fear or pride. Does this go back to my childhood something, I was taught while growing up? Or maybe someone who represented authority over you led you to believe you could not succeed or measure up.  Or lastly have you put this on yourself?  

Many times, those who are close to you don’t see you for who you really are and what you have in you. If they knew your talents and what you carry, they would be more affirming. Even David’s own father did not recognize David for who he was called to be. When Samuel came to Jesse to anoint one of His sons to be King, he certainly did not think it was David the little Shepard boy. Samuel had to ask don’t you have another son and then He brought David out in front of His brothers and anointed Him. From that point on the Spirit of the Lord and power came upon David. It was not David, but God working through Him.  

What we call perfectionism is not the same as the pursuit of excellence though sometimes it may look like the lines blur together. When we pursue excellence, we are determined and consistent to do something as well as possible within our set of talents, resources and time limits. But perfectionism is pride or fear based and can paralyze us from doing anything at all or either fuel our fixation and obsession of doing something perfectly which can result in neglect of necessary or good things.  

Don’t fear failure, don’t fear man, and don’t fear rejection because you are free to follow Jesus imperfectly. Remember God extends grace upon grace. We can never be perfect, but the Lord filled in the gap between imperfect (us) and perfect (Him).  

Rest easy no need for “ practically perfect in every way Mary Poppins” in Him you are more than enough.  


Father I am never going to be perfect, but I will seek you so I can grow more mature in your ways. I need you and your instruction, and I thank you for your goodness,  grace and mercy that follow after me. You have gone before me and filled the gap between my imperfections and your Holiness. I stand in Awe of you! Amen  

Chaplain Judy 

April 20, 2022  – Yeshua

Yeshua, Our Passover Lamb  “Tell all the congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month, each man is to take a lamb for his family…your lamb is to be without blemish. You must watch over it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then… slaughter it at twilight.”―Exodus 12:3-6 

 God was preparing to rescue the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt. God prescribed the way that the Jewish people could be saved from the death about to come from the final plague. A lamb must be sacrificed, a perfect lamb without spot or blemish and innocent.  Imagine Jewish families taking care and keeping watch over this selected lamb for four days then having to see it die for their sakes. There was no other way to spare them from the judgement of death.  

Yeshua/Jesus provided a bigger rescue to come for the children of Israel and for all mankind. Jesus fulfilled the Passover as the Passover lamb without spot or blemish, He sacrificed His life to save ours. He offers deliverance from the power of sin in our lives. There is no other way. Yeshua is our Passover Lamb.  God set forth Yeshua as the atonement for sin.  His righteousness in passing over sins already committed. Romans3:25  for Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed.1Corinthians 5:7 

They were to take the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the crossbeam of the houses… I am Adonai… When I see the blood, I will pass over you. So there will be no plague among you to destroy you when I strike  Egypt.―Exodus 12 The angel of death came over all the land that night, and when he saw the blood covering the doorposts of His people, he passed over, sparing them from the death of their firstborn. 

Now, when God looks at those who believe in Jesus and His shed blood then He sees the blood and passes over us, sparing us from the eternal penalty for sin, and giving us eternal life. For sin’s payment is death, but God’s gracious gift is eternal life in Yeshua our Lord. Romans 6 You know that you were redeemed …not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with precious blood like that of a lamb without defect or spot, the blood of Messiah.―1 Peter 1:18-19 

You are covered by the blood, apply it to your life for salvation, also apply it believing for more power, protection (when He sees the blood),  deliverance by the blood, victory by the blood, ( the devil is defeated by the blood), healing by the blood  (by His stripes we are healed), overcome by the blood! When I think about what Jesus did for me to set me free and give me entrance into the land of His promises then I know I am blessed and highly favored.  

Thank You, God as your Word always points us to Yeshua and your loving, good plan to rescue us by sacrificing your blood to cover my sins. Now I am made clean and right before God. Thank You so much for this profound miracle and gift! 

Chaplain Judy 


April 4, 2022  –  Holding Even Tighter

Scripture Reading — Genesis 42:18-38

“Everything is against me!” — Genesis 42:36

More than anything else, Jacob wanted to hang on to his ability to control life. He spent much of his adult life seeking to manipulate things and get his way. Life isn’t always fair and we don’t always get our way. Jacob’s world was spinning out of control, He thought Joseph was dead. His son Simeon was held captive in Egypt and now he might also lose his son Benjamin.

So Jacob does what many of us would do: in the face of increasing threats, he tries to hold on tighter to what he has. God has a way of confronting us when we try to control and manipulate others to get our way. The Lord does not control or manipulate us He gives us a free will and freedom of choice. We do not find happiness and peace by being in control of our circumstances; we find these blessings by letting go and entrusting ourselves to God.

Jacob thought that everything was against him because it didn’t go His way. Unfortunately  He could not see the bigger picture that God was about to restore His whole family back together.  In Jacob’s small mindset, all He could see was it’s not fair everything is against me. But not so God was for him . God was about to reconcile His family and use His son Joseph.  For Joseph was alive and promoted  to a high place of  authority and now he is in a position to provide abundance to his father and His brothers. While Jacob was whining and feeling sorry for Himself with a defeated attitude , God was bringing to pass His plan for reconciliation, restoration and provision. Don’t settle for less we serve a God of reconciliation , he sent Jesus to reconcile us back to God. 

He gave his own Son to restore lost sinners to himself, and promises that he will graciously give us all things” (Romans 8:32). 

Don’t hold on to things so tightly that they become a stumbling block and have to be removed till you learn to receive his blessings by grace rather than trying to grasp them for yourself . 

Let go and let God hold on to you ! He promises turn around so Trust Him to have the plan for reconciliation , restoration and provision. (John 10:28-30).


On our own, Father, we cannot stand even though The world, the devil, and our own flesh are against us at times, but you are always for us. Strengthen us as we hold on to your promises . Reconcile our family and our relationships back to God and each other and restore what the devil has tried to destroy. Open our eyes to see your plan and provision are at work for our benefit! Amen.

Chaplain Judy 

March 28, 2022  –  Do not limit God!

The word for today is DO NOT LIMIT GOD! He absolutely wants to amaze us in the realm of “nothing is impossible with God.”  

Mark 2:1-12 Jesus came to Capernaum, but there were so many gathered in the house there was no room to get in  the door or windows. Four friends came carrying a paralyzed man.  They could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug an opening in the roof lowered paralyzed man on the mat down to Jesus.  

When Jesus saw the faith of the four friends He was moved.  They imagined their friend being healed by the power of Jesus.   Jesus declared to the man “because of the friends faith, your sins are forgiven now take up your bed and walk”. Is it possible that your life affects more than your life?  Is it possible that your example affects more than your existence?   Well the faith and example these four friends had surely affected this mans life. . Wow everybody needs four friends like that. It is important who you have in your circle of friends, these guys had a positive imagination, they planed this and who knows how far they had to travel to carry Him.  But there were some teachers of the law thinking to them selves, “Why does this man talk like this, He cant forgive sin. Jesus knew their thoughts and negative imagination, and He knows when we have thoughts that cause doubt and questioning of His power, His promises, and His intentions. Are your imaginations coming from thoughts that limit God ? If so they must be cast down. Or are your imaginations coming from thoughts of God’s promises and His ability. If so meditate on them and they will bring increase in your life.  

Ephesians 3:20 He is able to what is exceeding and abundantly above all that we asked or imagine or even think.    

The crowd could have been a limitation to make the friends quit and turn around, but they were into on pursuing the purpose and blessing.  HOW INTENT ARE YOU ON PURSUING YOUR BLESSING? Don’t fall for obviously it’s not God’s will for our friend to get healed today or God would have made it easy and we would have gotten in the door. Most people look for the path of least resistance, but not these guys, they were daring and it was never in their imagination or expectations to carry Him home paralyzed.   

At Anchor Point we have a mandate to make an impact on our community carry people to Jesus.  We point them to life, offering hope, help, and a plan. Many who come are like the paralyzed man. They are paralyzed by, fear, rejection, abandonment , shame, having no plan for the future.  The man did not go out the way he came in, he walk out in front of them through the front door and the people were amazed saying, “We have never seen anything like this!” Mark 2:1-12  


I am believing God that in the pursuit of purpose for Anchor Point ministry we are walking into a new season of you have never seen anything like this.  We will see miracles, exponential growth, enlarging our territory and moving our tent pegs as the scripture says. Things happened just like they imagined. 

Who is ready for every barrier to be broken that limited you or held back your blessing?  

God is about to break off the limits let’s get in agreement and not limit God. Just because life’s biggest opportunities aren’t always obvious at first don’t give up or let anyone else kill your dream. Open your heart to imagine your dream and open your eyes to see things that are impossible with man are possible with God. Remember when the devil tries to block your blessing Jesus has made a way to get to him.  Dream big! Keep digging the breakthrough will come, keep seeking and knocking and you will find.  

Chaplain Judy 


March 21, 2022  –  We will have trials. 

We will have trials. We need to ask ourselves what is God trying to teach us or show us through this trial.  Remember God has a purpose and all things work for the good, even trials can make us better, stronger, and more like Him for His glory.  Let Him work and turn the trial into something beautiful. Let Him turn our ashes into beauty.

I Peter 1:6,7 In this trial rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

There comes a time in our lives when we out-grow and expand where we are. We have a sense of urgency, a drive, and a push that something is changing within us. It’s almost as if someone has flipped a switch. We know that change is inevitable and we are compelled it’s time to make significant, life-changing decisions. It’s like the caterpillar making his journey to just the right position because he knows that change must come.

That is the way it is for you and me. God our Father has given each of us an unction, a sense of knowing that if we don’t allow the process of change to take place, we will never reach our full potential. Is God calling to you, that your time has come for a change. The transition can be smooth or turbulent. It is for you to decide.  “Change will come easier if we leave worthless weights behind, unnecessary burdens, and thoughts that have hindered you that make their continuous cycle in your mind.”

Like the caterpillar making his metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly, God has designed your transformation to take place. Job 14:14 says “All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change comes.”  We are changing all the time as we grow upward to the next level of His potential within us. Like the butterfly, ready to push his way out of the cocoon, it is time to break-free from our fears, insecurities, apprehension, and fear. (false evidence appearing real) (lies), etc.

You must shed this cocoon that’s not useful it has you wrapped up in hidden perceptions about you that are not true. We find ourselves carrying around negative, false conclusions about ourselves. They can become a great weight and a burden. We are to lay weights and burdens aside.  We’re surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, so let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Hebrews 12:1)

The cocoon is like the strong man’s armor (Luke 11:21,22) or garment, it is binding keeping you closed off from freedom. The enemy of your soul will tell you that you are not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, handsome enough, intelligent enough, tall enough, nor small enough. It is not wise to compare ourselves. Once Satan’s deception is exposed, the binding, lifeless hindrance loses it strength and we are able to take off that garment (cocoon and take flight.  It will be a stretching, pushing moment like the butterfly as you make your exit from a tight space. There are times when others can help you like Lazarus,  when others unwrapped Him and loosed Him and let him go. But there are times when only God will be your help. If human hands would’ve cut the butterfly out of the cocoon, his wings would be drooped and unable to fly. My friend, God knows what is best for you. He knows just how much push, stretch, and relaxation you need to bring you out of a hard place.  The butterfly is symbolic of new life and God is doing a new thing in you. Like the butterfly breaking out of his cocoon, it is time to take flight. Look up! It is time to rejoice! Your change has come!

Chaplain Judy 

March 15, 2022  –  Jesus was submitted to what the Father said and did.

John 5:19

Jesus said the son does nothing of His own accord but only what He hears and sees the Father doing. . When the devil came to try and tempt Him in the wilderness, Jesus declared to the devil it is written, and the devil left Him alone. James 4:7 Submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Our declaration of the Word is a powerful weapon of warfare to resist the enemy when we submit to God’s ways. His ways are higher than our ways, cause He is the Waymaker. Even when you are weak physically or emotionally, your declaration of the Word will bring joy and strength to you.  Because when you are weak He will make you strong, for the joy of the Lord is your Strength. Use your weapons and testify of the Word and the Blood of Jesus and you will see Rev 12:11 come to pass “The devil is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the declaration of our testimony.” 

 PSM 119:12 -16 Teach me the power of your decrees!  When you decree the Word it is powerful and will give you counsel, peace, joy, and rewards.  Following the Holy Spirit and pursuing His righteousness is a Kingdom principle:  Matt 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God then all these things will be added to you and you will possess Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.  As a child of God you have a voice, let your voice roar like a lion decreeing His Word, for greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world. Rise up and focus on the answer not the problem, you are more than a conquer, you are an overcomer in this life.


Chaplain Judy 

March 7, 2022  –  The Power and Purpose of Decrees

The proclamation of decrees based on Scripture has brought increase and multiplication of blessing in every area of my life and ministry, since regularly decreeing positive faith-filled words of truth. As I have shared with others this treasured tool for success, the effect and influence of God’s goodness on their lives have been remarkable. The words we speak have power and can potentially create life or death (James 3:5–10). But when we make a legal proclamation that comes from God Himself, we are operating in a power that trumps all other power. Jesus said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63 KJV). When you proclaim God’s Word in faith, it is activated to bring about His will and purpose for your life. “For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]” (Hebrews 4:12 AMP). When you decree God’s Word, it is alive and full of power and brings itself to pass. According to Isaiah 55:11, it does not return empty but accomplishes everything it is sent to do. God’s Word is the final authority.

In Job we find this powerful statement: “Decree a thing, and it will be established” (Job 22:28). In Esther 8:8 we read, “A decree which is written in the name of the king and sealed with the king’s signet ring may not be revoked.”  Jesus, our eternal King and the center of our focus in life and ministry has given us glorious promises in the Word. The Word you decree attracts the manifestation of what has been proclaimed. Every word you decree has power. Here are some benefits that await you as you give God’s Word your focus and decree it:

1.The Word you meditate on and decree will not return void but will accomplish everything it is sent to do (Isaiah 55:11).

  1. Your decrees of the Word will frame the will of God over your life, allowing the Spirit to manifest results (Hebrews 11:3).
  2. The word you proclaim will dispatch angels to labor on your behalf as you decree His Word releasing it in the earth (Psalm 103:20).
  3. Your decrees of the Word will send forth light that will penetrate darkness (Psalm 119:130).
  4. Blessings will be attracted to you as you proclaim in faith the promises He has given you as a believer. 6. The Word proclaimed functions as a weapon of spiritual warfare and secures victory for your life (Ephesians 6:10–20; 2 Corinthians 10:3–5).
  5. Your decrees of God’s Word will empower and strengthen you and your ministry (Ephesians 3:16). 8. The Word decreed is like seed that goes forth and brings a harvest for you according to the nature of the seed (Mark 4). Fruitfulness & Multiplication in your life and ministry
  6. Sanctification (setting you apart for God and His purposes) is activated through the proclamation of God’s truth declared over your life and ministry. (John 17:17

You are deeply loved by God.  The Lord purposed for you to be blessed beyond measure. May His blessings truly come upon you and overtake you (Deuteronomy 28:2).

Chaplain Judy




About Chaplan Judy Guidry

Dr. Judy Guidry is an Ambassador & Ordained International Chaplan thru Word of Life Ministries International.  She served alongside her husband Michael for over 40 years in various ministries, until he went to his heavenly home in 2019. She is the founder of Glorious Connection ministries and is blessed to have her two adult children who serve with her in ministry. Dr. Judy is excited to be a part of Anchor Point ministry and to continue inspiring others to reach their highest potential.  She is a strong believer in pro-life that from the beginning life is the foundation for every human right and without life no other rights exist.  As Chaplan she is fulfilling a dream of bringing hope and help as she shares wisdom from life experiences that taught her how to effectively minister to the broken hearted.. Isaiah 61:3 declaring unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.  Her mandate is to lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and help connect Christ body of believers in unity, to arise as a mighty army in the demonstration of the power of God becoming the Glorious Church. Her love for God and His people is her passion to point others to God’s divine destination for their life.


Anchor Point


Called to Be Different