Anchor Point 911 Prayer Team

Join the 911 Prayer Team

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Be notified the moment a need arises so you can intercede on someone’s behalf!

Join the Youth Ambassador Program

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The Youth Ambassador Program was created for youth in our community to perform an advocacy and referral role to Anchor Point’s services and generally serve as watchdogs for  peers who may find themselves in a crisis situation.

Anchor Point Volunteers

Become a Volunteer

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Becoming a volunteer at Anchor Point is a step-by-step process to ensure that each volunteer is properly oriented, matched, and trained.  All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and pass criminal background check, child abuse & neglect registry check, and sex offender check.  In some instances, children 14 and older may be able to volunteer.

We have individual and group opportunities available.

Support our Mission

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Invite an Anchor Point representative to speak at your business, church, or organization. Email us at if interested.

Anchor Point Celebrating Hope Gala 2022

Become a Sponsor

Sponsor Now

Anchor Point is blessed by our yearly corporate sponsors and event sponsors who believe in our mission.  They proudly come alongside of us to help those in our community.  


Support our Mission

Apply Now

Host a simple fundraiser event on behalf of Anchor Point. Email us at if interested.

Utilize social media to host a birthday fundraiser on behalf of Anchor Point.  Follow these simple instructions HERE.

Support our Families

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Donation Drive – Organize a donation drive in your neighborhood, church, organization or business. You can reference our Wish List here for ideas. Email to organize your drive.

Wish List – 4T and 5T Boy and Girl Clothing, Gender Neutral Bibs, Gender neutral Onesies and Outfits, Gender Neutral Receiving Blankets, Gender Neutral Towels and Washcloths, Brand New Car Seats, Journals for the Moms, Nice Lotions for Mommy Bags, Other Spa Like Items for our Mom Bags, Small Tools for Dad Bags, and Fast Food Gift Cards.


Planned Giving

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Create your own legacy of hope and make a difference.  We want to be remembered for the good we’ve done and the impact we’ve had on others. Making a planned gift to Anchor Point can be one way for you to leave a legacy that illustrates what is/was important in your life.

Double Your Impact

Let's Check

Your employer, your spouse’s employer, or even the employer of someone you know might match your donation. Search now to see if a match is available and help make an even bigger difference!