Anchor Point Family

Champion the future of children!

Thank you!

Because of YOU, a family in crisis won’t remain a family in crisis! Your gift has been received and will be put to immediate use saving lives. On behalf of all the pre-born, the children, teens, and men and women we serve every day, thank you for bringing hope and healing.

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No goods or services were received in return for your donation other than intangible religious benefits. Anchor Point is a 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID: 27-3828680


Anchor Point Ministries
103 Davis Road, Suite B
League City, TX 77573
Office: 832-632-1221

Look what your donation can do!

A family in crisis won’t stay a family in crisis when YOU step in! Your giving will surround those in need with the love of Jesus, offering:

Meet Sunni

Anchor Point Family

Sunni came to Anchor Point shortly after having her fourth child, overwhelmed. She completed classes and felt empowered to be a better mom.

But not long after, she was raped and became pregnant. Struggling with the decision before her, our nurses performed an ultrasound. At the sound of the baby’s heartbeat, Sunni wept. She ultimately chose life for the child and bravely participated in our Project HOPE program for sexual abuse recovery.

While pregnant, wanting to further improve her parenting skills, Sunni participated in our Pathway to Hope Family Camp. We guided her through digging into her own history and shared tools for becoming a more present parent. Her children, also at camp, learned practical tips for self-regulating and using their words instead of acting out to get their needs met.

When Sunni’s baby boy was born, it became clear that the child was not the rapist’s. Rather, the father was a man with whom Sunni had been having an extramarital affair.

Anchor Point Baby

Sunni and her husband stood at a crossroads.

What would happen now?

With spiritual mentoring from Anchor Point, Sunni ultimately gave her life to the Lord. She ended the affair and began working with her husband on their marriage. They both started attending church together.

Anchor Point Pathway to Hope Camp

Most recently, as Anchor Point opened its Obria Medical Clinic, Sunni came in for a well women’s exam only to discover a life-threatening, undiagnosed medical condition. She received the additional medical treatment she desperately needed.

Today Sunni is a huge Anchor Point advocate, telling everyone – including every pregnant girl she meets – about how she’s been blessed here. She now runs a “Moms Helping Moms” group out of her garage and continues actively attending education classes to grow her parenting skills.

Sunni’s life is radically transformed, as a parent of course, but primarily as a child of God, loved and whole. Not only is Sunni changed, her whole family is too (and for generations to come)! This is the far-reaching impact of your giving.

Anchor Point is a 501(c)3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.