SEPTEMBER 15, 2023
6 PM – 9 PM
Moody Gardens
7 Hope Blvd, Galveston, TX 77554
Business casual attire or Havana Nights Costume
Doors Open at 6 PM | Dinner Served at 6:45 PM

Any questions, feel free to contact:

Invitation for your friends Submit Your Guest List


Thank you for answering the noble call to partner with us in such a critical role. We are grateful for your willingness to extend Biblical hospitality in inviting people to hear about and partner in this fight for families and for Life.

We pray that this experience will be a blessing to you and that the Lord will use your willingness to serve Him in ways far beyond what you have imagined.

The purpose of our annual gala is to share about our ministry and invite guests to partner with us. It is our largest fundraiser. Therefore, it is imperative that those who attend realize that this is a FUNDRAISING dinner and an opportunity for financial giving and pledges will be extended at the end of the night.

There are no minimums or maximums with respect to contributions. What people choose to give is their personal decision; however, those who have the capacity to give $500 or more would be good prospects for the gala.

It is our hope that every seat that night will be filled with individuals who may be open to this life-affirming work and who will be moved to financially partner with us to save lives and families.

With deepest regards,

Debbie Simmons, Founder & CEO


Last year 2022, marked a pivotal time in the pro-life world with the overturning of Roe v. Wade.  It has literally turned our ministry around.  We have pivoted successfully over the course of 2022 and 2023 to set us up for expanded success in 2024.

As Texas laws took effect, they have posed challenges for individuals seeking abortions leading some to explore alternative options, such as abortion pills, off shore abortions and more. Additionally, the situation has led to a notable trend of individuals traveling to neighboring states like New Mexico, seeking access to abortion services that are more readily available there. 

Furthermore, Anchor Point has been taking a proactive role in fostering communication between pregnancy centers spanning the distance between Houston and New Mexico. By establishing partnerships, our aim is to maintain an open dialogue with clients who are seeking an abortion. These partnerships offer individuals the opportunity to explore a variety of options before making a final decision, aligning with the goal of providing holistic information and compassionate guidance. 

Locally, Anchor Point continues to play a crucial role in walking alongside mother and baby from conception and beyond. We aim to provide comprehensive support to help the mother through our life on life program, medical services, educational support and spiritual services. 

Additionally, our services extend beyond the mother and baby to encompass all individuals involved. This holistic approach acknowledges that the well-being of the father, mother, baby, and their other children are interconnected and interdependent. 

As we move into 2024, we will continue to build out a strategy to influence and develop centers around the state thus becoming an industry leader.  Expanding their vision for a bigger view of life – maternity homes, helping families in crisis, medical services and more.  All the while allowing us to impact even more lives and change their trajectories both now and for eternity.  

An additional goal is to secure a permanent, consolidated location for Anchor Point and it’s many subsidiaries.  It is time to firmly root Anchor Point in our community as a beacon of life and hope.  

As we continue to move forward into the rest of this year and beyond, Anchor Point will continue to face complex decisions and considerations in upholding the dignity of both the mother and the unborn baby, the family unit as a whole and any other significant needs God sees fit for us to help Him build His Kingdom.

 To God be the Glory!

So Your A Table Host?

Thank you for taking on the vital role of hosting a table for this important event in the life of Anchor Point. Your role is not only appreciated; it is also keenly important to this event’s success.

A few thoughts as we consider who to invite:

We are looking for your friends and acquaintances who—if they knew more about the ministry—would be inclined to support Anchor Point financially. Keep in mind that, if possible, we’re looking for new, first-time attendees. There are many people in our area—in your church, small group, business or Bible study—who believe as you do in the sanctity of human life and in sharing the hope of Jesus Christ.


God looks at the heart and we know you do as well. Look for hearts that are open and generous. We can find generous people in all walks of life from the wealthy to those who are living on a tight budget. In addition,
we can look to friends of all ages, from the young couple just starting out to those who are happily retired.


When it comes to married couples, we want both husband and wife to attend. A couple makes financial decisions together and as the focus of our event is raising funds to build the future of Anchor Point, it is imperative that the entire “team” is on-hand to make a wise decision.

We do love babies, children and youth—they are gifts! On this night, we want to raise the funds necessary so that future children gain the gift of life. For this reason, we need adults only—so that as many as possible have an opportunity to support this ministry financially—and build a culture of life and family here in the greater Houston Area.

As we consider who to ask, let’s make each invitation a matter of prayer. God might show us someone with an open heart in the most unlikely places. As we are open to His direction, we look forward to His hand leading us to the right people with a joyful desire to take this ministry exactly where God wants us to go.

What to do starting now:

  • Pray about who God would want you to invite and connect with the ministry.
  • Extend the invitation
  • Get your guest registered online – so check in the night of the gala is EASY!

What to do the night before Celebrating Hope Gala:

  • Send a quick reminder to your guests – text, phone or email
  • Secure any transportation needs and/or offer information about parking
  • Remind them of any last minute details and to not forget cash for game

The Night of the Celebrating Hope Gala

  • Arrive by 5:30
  • Check in with Registration to verify your table number
  • Pick up your Table Host packet at Speaker Meeting
  • When prompted, pass out response cards and collect them back up
  • Place everything back in the Table Host Packet and return to the registration
  • Have fun and celebrate all God did at our Gala