July 7th
League Park 6:30 – 7:15pm
Anchor Point is hosting a night of prayer for our country in response to the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.
Anchor Point is hosting a daily prayer group for our beloved country, the Kingdom work that God has before us and the historic decision of Roe vs. Wade that hangs in the balance.
God calls us to be people of prayer. He hears the prayers of His People. Our prayers will focus on the heartache of our country that has lost millions of little ones to abortion, the men and women who bear the scars of that choice, our leaders who hold this historic decision in their hands, and the on-going and future work that is still to be done to stand in the gap for these women and children.
As we “Unite for Life”, together we have an opportunity to publicly stand for the things of God and the mighty Kingdom work He is doing every day in and through Anchor Point.
We encourage you to involve your families and lead them in a legacy of praying and standing for life.